MovieChat Forums > Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967) Discussion > I'm in an inter-racial engagement, and b...

I'm in an inter-racial engagement, and believe me this is so relevant!!!

Not entirely the same. I am American and my boyfriend is from India. We have been together many years and every time we go out we get terrible looks, stares, criticisms, from both white and brown people. We've been laughed at, mocked, even once had a guy literally chasing down our car at the supermarket, with his young kids by his side (wow, wonder how they will grow up to be?)

Anyone who thinks this movie isn't relevant today is dillusional and most likely white (no offense). People say things have changed, and look, a black man is president! But that means they missed the point of this film entirely. The girls father didn't "hate" black people (I'm sure he wouldn't have minded having a black president), but a black man marrying his DAUGHTER? that was a different situation! And unfortunately, many many people believe the same way today.

Unfortunately for me in my situation, Indians are about 50 years behind Americans in this issue... excuse me... maybe 100 years!!!

My name is Khan... and I am not a terrorist!!!


I totally agree - As a gay male, I, too, face diversity all the time.

BUT, when I walking in my neighbourhood with a bf, who was black, we received numerous dirty looks and gay slurs in the neighbourhood where I live (where it's pretty tough and whites are the minorities).

I have been out and about with other boyfriends (who were not black) and I didn't hear these disparaging remarks. But, boy howdy, as soon as I was seen with a black male, I did feel more backlash (I suspect it was a 'testosterone' thing since I am blond/white and was actually with a 'brother').

I think racism (as well as homophobia, sexism, etc.) will ALWAYS be with us - Very sad but true.

'There’s a name for you ladies, but it’s not used - Outside a kennel! (Crystal Allen in The Women)'


ya especially being gay you get it 10X worse I'm sure.... as homophobia is really rampant in US society :( I'm glad u dont let it bring you down!

I have hopes that one day it truly will disapear, but I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. But 50 years from now hopefully kids will say "can you believe they didn't allow gay people to get married???? how terrible and backwards!!!" :) I think someone pointed it out on this forum all ready but gay marriage is todays interracial marriage, i completely agree with that!

My name is Khan... and I am not a terrorist!!!


Nazia1987, do you mind telling me where you live exactly in US....? I can sympathize with American white girl involved in interracial relationships.... The ''double standard'' in America is ridiculous.... White men can date/marry whoever color women they want, and it's totally fine, BUT when the American white girl dates outside her race, crazy sh!t happens.... I believe, this is exactly why many white women choose to date/marry white men ONLY, because of the social pressures... It's like their only option.... IF you're living in some tiny, small town.... I recommend you move to bigger city....


no, I don't live in a small tiny town but a large city (1,000,000 population!) But it happens to be in south... my bf is Indian and does happen to be Muslim as well, but idiots around here assume every brown person == terrorist which is their problem. We went to a small town once and I was wearing an Obama shirt during the election and I swear to you an entire mob of white people at a barbeque in front of a football game began mobbing our car screaming OBAMA IS A TERRORIST!!! Police had to make them leave because we couldn't move the car!!

I agree with you about white men and non-white girls... people don't have as much problems! But white girl with non-white boy oh boy, people have a problem. Now what's with dat?

I hate this place. i want to move to New Jersey! I likes it there :(

My name is Khan... and I am not a terrorist!!!


Okay, now, it makes sense.... You're living in the south, the most racial segregated part of America... I recommend you move to East Coast.... Your life and situation will automatically improve... IF you have friends and relatives on the East Coast, stay with them.... Hawaii is also very diverse and multi-cultural... It's sad you have to deal with this difficult situation, nobody should have to this time and day.... For your safety and well being, as well as your future mixed children, you should consider the move....


Tiane4 beleive me we will!! We are only here for college! I hate the south it is miserable. There is a group on my college campus right now called "student for concealed carry on campus" they actually want students to be able to carry guns on campus!! Only in the stupid republican south...

funny you mention Hawaii. My sister lived there and we went to visit her. Never had any people treated us so well. Hawaiian people were so welcoming and nice to us it was amazing! We have a dream of moving there! But I love the east coast too! I really want to go to Pennsylvania or NJ!!

So it is completely different on east coast?? People seriously don't care?

My name is Khan... and I am not a terrorist!!!



It's safe to say, that interracial couples is FAR MORE accepted on the East Coast.... I'm pretty sure, nobody is chasing down anyone's car..... As long as you're living in the larger cities, you won't have much problem..... Do you mind telling me, which city and state you're from....? So, I remember not to go there...LOL! I'm glad, you're fighting for your rights, to date/marry whoever you please..... It seems even nowadays, many white women are scared of interracial relationships, because of what they will have to go through, just like you.... I'm glad you're willing to break the barriers....



I am in Oklahoma... believe me... there is never any reason to come to any place in this *beep* It's terrible. It's ugly. Most people here have been born and raised here and never want to leave. It's terribly racist, and there's so many rednecks here. Oh ya and a church every five feet.... even worse, one time in a small town, my bf and i went in a thirft store. The lady started asking him, "are u a muslim???" and he said yes.... she wouldn't shut up about jesus this jesus that... finally we decided to leave because we didn't want to hear her *beep* so she followed us out of the store and yelled at me how i need to watch myself and get a new man, because Muslim guys are terrible... no joke real story. That was the same town of course that the crowd mobbed our car because of my Obama shirt...

My name is Khan... and I am not a terrorist!!!



I did a bit of laughing to myself when on Memorial Day my sons, daughters-in-law, and 3 of my 4 grands went to the beach on Coronado. When we were getting out of the cars and getting our act together we got some looks because we represented about 6 different races and ethnicities. I am Caucasian, my sons' father was black, my daughters-in-law are Hispanic, with one being that, Chinese, maybe Native American,and the other one is Hispanic with some Caucasian and Apache. my granddaughters are Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Chinese, and Native American. In our pictures we look like the United Nations. All the mixes add up to what a great family I have between all this and my older son with 8 years in the Marines and my younger son and daughter-in-law being in their 3rd year in the Navy and super intelligent grands. As far as the fanatics go I ignore them since no one can really judge us except for Jesus on Judgement Day. Most of them also go to Church on Sunday which isn't the correct day since Jesus never changed the Sabbath so they are led by people who won't even acknowledge that they are wrong. There is nothing in the Bible about inter-racial marriage, just to marry within your beliefs and faith.


Or realize that religion is a sham, and anyone who lives their lives by a book written by someone that never existed (all religions) is just as insane as the racist, homophobes that crap all over others.

Marry who you love, be with who you love, regardless of race, ethnicity, or sex


"I recommend you move to East Coast.... Your life and situation will automatically improve..."

Ummmmmm. This is not entirely true. I live in NYC and I still get looks as a Latina dating white guys. I remember I was on a subway to Queens with a date (a guy from England) and all the other Hispanics in the car where eying him down. When we got off at our stop, he exclaimed, "Did you see those Hispanics looking at me? It was like they were thinking, 'He's stealing our women!'" And this was in NYC, supposedly the most progressive city in the US.





GW'sCTD II: Dinner For Two(the Widows Cutting)

Just a suggestion:(


Ashton K's Version(no thanks)

42% of Black Women Will NEVER Marry!!!!!!!!


I was only five when this came out. I remember there was one girl in grammar school who was a "mulatto". Only the races were reversed...her mom was black and her dad was white. I remember many of my classmates' parents-including my own-thought it was just a terrible situation.

I also remember that we had a discussion on inter-racial relationships in high school. The teacher asked us if our parents (and this was in 1979) would've allowed us to bring home a black boyfriend (we were all white and all girls). Every single one of us said, NO WAY! In fact, most thought they'd be disinherited if that happened.'

I knew another girl who was Amer-Asian (her mom was Japanese). Quietest person I ever knew. I don't think I ever heard her utter two sentences together. Painfully shy.


What you are describing is called, BIGOTRY!!! Racial prejudice. It has existed for as long as we (Homo Sapiens) have been here. The problem is THEIR problem, not YOURS. Just ignore THEM!!!

"You can't HANDLE the truth!" Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men."


There is nothing in the Bible about inter-racial marriage, just to marry within your beliefs and faith.

It is brought up at one point, albeit somewhat indirectly. Moses' sister criticized him for marrying a woman of another race. God's response was that she had no right to insult him for it. When God Himself defends an interracial marriage, that sounds like an approval to me.

Honestly, I wouldn't expect anything different. If God created us all, I doubt He'd value one over another.

Or realize that religion is a sham, and anyone who lives their lives by a book written by someone that never existed (all religions) is just as insane as the racist, homophobes that crap all over others.

Religious intolerance is a form of prejudice in and of itself. You don't have to agree with it, as obviously you do not, but you can't honestly tell me that you know the mental stability and moral character of every individual who adheres to a religious faith.


And Nazia, my condolences for your plight.


See my thread here:

My thoughts: while I've grown up in the suburbs of Toronto, the largest city in Canada and one of the most multicultural cities in the world, I went to university in a smaller city that is about an hour out. Since the university is known for its medical, science, and engineering programs, lots of Toronto-area Asians go there (Indians and Chinese are statistically the Greater Toronto Area's largest ethnic minority groups).

In the suburb where I grew up, about 75% of my elementary school was first- or second-generation Chinese. The rest of us, whites, blacks, Indians (like me, of which I was one of the very few), etc. never saw race as an obstacle towards anything. Of course there wasn't any dating back then (some kids do date in elementary, but not in a Chinese dominated school), but there were interracial crushes. Things got more diverse in high school with other races being more evenly represented. There I was able to see how multicultural my suburb really was and there was lots of interracial dating.

That's what made university so surprising. There is an increasing trend of racial segregation across university campuses in Canada (there is supposedly an article in Maclean's on this). While people socialize and make friends of other races, it's almost always the case that the core group of friends of a minority are other members of his or her own race. They often meet them through on campus race-based clubs. I'm not sure why, but even the people who grew up in the same suburb as me start to accept this new way of things. I for one never wanted to join the South Asian club, but I chose my principles.

It's true that there are some people there from small towns and that people from small towns are often racist. In my first year, a floormate of mine openly stated that he would prefer it if I lived with people of my own race. This was a huge surprise because I don't really walk around thinking "I am Indian." I present myself as a regular guy and I don't even like Bollywood movies or, as stated above, have a lot of Indian friends. I'm sure that fear of discrimination plays a role in this segregation, but it seems silly that a small town mentality overrides a city mentality.

Anyways, I apologize for rambling, but this is an important conversation so I think it's important to be as open as possible (if anyone is actually interested, that is). I would love to hear other people's thoughts on racial segregation in colleges/universities or on the link in my other thread.

"We played with life and lost." - Jules et Jim, François Truffaut.
