which is more realistic

Brady Bunch or beaver?


Probably Beaver. The Bradys had the cursed artifact, being the millionth customers at a studio, the kids doing the song and dance stuff, TV stars coming over to the house...It could get a bit over the top.


and the maid


I would say Beaver, even though I have never really watched the show.


Leave it to Beaver. His life was never perfect.


I wouldn't call the Bradys lives "perfect" The boys' mother died. The girls' father ran off. Their mom was a bit of a deadbeat. They struggled constantly with being a blended family.


Both shows presented a realistic adaptation of the American family, one being in the 50s and the latter being set in the 70s


I grew up in the early 70's I didn't know 1 family with a maid.


You probably didn't know a lot of families, or maybe you come from a rural area in the midwest. The brady Bunch is set in California


St.Louis suburbs I went to school with familys of doctor and lawers and buisness folks


Daytime nannies are common though when the mother works.


Carol didn't work. She really didn't need a live-in maid, especially when the kids were old eough to do chores to help.


When I was a kid, there was a small family across the street (just one child) and they had a maid/nanny. Maybe not a live-in one, but she was there during the day.


I think when Mike's wife died he hired Alice to take care of the boys and when he married Carol and moved into the larger house he brought Alice along to help with the 6 kids.


Going to have to say Leave it to Beaver.

Marsha was still way hotter than Wally.


Leave It to Beaver. Their bathroom had a toilet... or at least part of one.
