Yes, this wonderful movie is finally available on DVD from at the following link:

It is on DVD-R which thankfully means that it is Region Free (I can confirm this having played it on a Region 2 DVD player). It is a clean print (apart from a few speckles in the closing moments) and in Widescreen (1:1.66). One minor quibble is that when the German characters speak in German, there are no subtitles (the version I previously recorded from BBC 2 does have these subtitles although they are not vital as the German is often translated by some of the other characters). Still it is enough that this film is finally available on DVD and not in the slightly cut version previously shown on BBC2 (the scene in the barn featuring the amorous lovers is shown in full here, although it is nothing to frighten the horses about - this is a family film after all). Fantastic!!!!


Excellent news! They certainly took a long time to release it. Thanks for letting us know. I'm looking forward to replacing my old taken from tv copy.


I have it on blu ray.
