I love this film!

I really don't know why, though it does seem heavily dated, the story remains the same.

I know that many have chided the film as being trite/recycled, but in a Catholic family such as this (shown in mass/church several times in the film), a woman's notion of even THINKING of divorce in 1969 would have been treated with vehement opposition, particularly from family/friends.

My father, a Catholic (whom was married to his ex-wife for about 20 years, 1960-80), divorced, and was treated with more or less rejection by several "friends" in his circle, and met with staunch disapproval from some of his family members.

Therefore, it's interesting to see how Jean Simmons (who was excellent here, and perhaps one of her best roles) handles the entire notion of "finding herself," happy ending, or not.

Some of the supporting characters are hilarious, especially Tina Louise, and Nanette Fabray as the maid, who supplies a rather nasty habit...

See it on YouTube, while you can, as this is currently, only available on VHS.
