Unconscious Lives

I thought the husband was very controlling, Mary had no $ of her own; she was like a Stepford Wife. I guess she didn't work during the marriage because in her socio-economic circles, wives didn't work & it would have been a bad reflection on hubby if she had a job because he was a big muckity-muck in Denver. These people were following the "shoulds" of their socio-economic circle & not listening to their needs & wants. It was a suffocating life.

Loved the Bobby Darin character. He really showed how phony everything was.

Good flick.


They were listening to their needs and wants the entire movie! She didn't have any money cause of her liquor problem. That's what people have to do, cut off their supply so that the pills and booze aren't as easy to get. She probably didn't want to work considering she had a daughter. Most mother's I know would love to spend time with their children and when the kids are at school they have hobbies and skills they learn and work on, therefore giving them a feeling of achievement in not only the fact that they're raising the next generation, but that they can create things of beauty. A job doesn't make you happy. However, if she wanted to work I'm sure she would have been "allowed" to. Their socio-economic world they lived in told the women to live these selfish lives. To hang out in the spa and shop all day. To get bored with your older husband and look for something better. I find it funny the one woman who didn't have marital problems was told to shut up by Tina Louise's character. They were all selfish. the 15 year mark is kinda the mark for most people where they think, "Do I want this?" The divorces I've seen end between 15-20 yeasr of marriage. Jean Simmons most likely wanted to stay home, but later found it so boring once her teenager started ignoring her and her husband was at work. Improve a skill/craft. Heck, Julia Child was a bored housewife whose husband made all the money and she took the "hobby" of cooking and look what happened to her! What if she thought she was living the boring life in France and searched out a lover? She would not be a well respected chef who had a long and happy marriage. You can think of yourself, but don't think you're the only one who matters.

By the way, this isn't a rant on you. I just saw the film and HATED it!


I just watched this film last night. I had recorded it from TV recently. I agree with almost all of what you said about the film, Louisville88. I just couldn't understand where the Jean Simmons character was coming from. I did a lot of thinking about her line "Why can't I love the man I love?" And that final line. What did it actually mean? I suppose she asking her husband, "If you had it all to do over again, would you still marry me?" And then that long, minutely observed look between them. I was startled by Shirley Jones performance. I certainly saw a lot more of Mrs. Partridge than I ever expected to see on TV or in a film. I was a bit surprised she seemed so comfortable, but of course she is a good actress. How odd to watch this film the same week I learned of John Forsythe's death. I had always considered him rather a lightweight, but he had some fine scenes in the film. I felt sorry for him trying to deal with such a hard to please wife. What did she really want and expect out of her marriage?


I think the point at the end is that they are no longer in love. If he had to decide again I think the answer would be no- that he wouldn't marry her again but he is settled and has become comfortable with their relationship, Of course HE has his job and numerous attractive women to take his mind off any failures of the marriage while she has nothing to do but dwell. I am male and in my 20's but even I can understand the Jean Simmons character (just looking at my own parents marriage). The Simmons character reminds me very much of my own mother. She basically feels unloved by the people from whom she expects love. She thought a marriage would strengthen a relationship but this is not the case- it takes much more work than that- but she just didn't know.

