MovieChat Forums > The Oblong Box (1969) Discussion > Explain Ending (spoiler alert)

Explain Ending (spoiler alert)

Why did Vincent Prices' face change at the end after he was bitten by his brother? The brother looked like he did from being tortured, he didn't have a disease to infect anyone. This ending seemed to come out of nowhere.


That's how these pseudo-Hammer films end. There's the slightest possibility that the voodoo guy was transferring the dead brother's scarring onto him, but who knows? It's just one more example of revenge being directed rather to quickly with little thought for who did what and why in this movie.


I felt like it was the voodoo the witch doctor N'Galo performed at Edward's grave the transferred the curse.

We don't know what his motive was but I would guess he was disgusted by Julian's actions in Africa and his dishonesty about the whole matter.


Yeah, that confused me too. I guess it's just meant to be vague, but I too was under the impression the brother was simply physically tortured. With voodoo you can pretty much make up anything you want I guess..


I had always thought it was the ritual that disfigured him.
When Julian was bitten by him, the curse was transfered.


That's what I always thought, because that scene opens on a close-up of Julian's scarred hand. I've always wondered what the deal was with the scene immediately beforehand of N'Galo at Edward's grave. It seemed like he was bringing him back to life, but to what purpose? We never really find out.




My take was N'Galo brought him back to life so he would spend eternity buried alive. As part of his revenge, his affliction was also transferred to his brother, for his part in what had taken place.


But how can you live forever in a box without oxygen, food and water? If the Voodoo that N'Galo practiced was that incredibly powerful he'd be ruling the world and not be some obscure witchdoctor traveling in Britain.


The implication seemed to be that the his brother's soul had been transferred into Price's body. Prices says he is in HIS room when his wife asks him why he is in his brother Edward's bedroom.


Okay, I'll have to watch it again with that in mind.


It's a somewhat trashy film but it does look very handsomely made and shot on Blu-Ray.
