Why? - Spoiler Alert

1. Why would Boon take Lucius with him? Boon knew he was going to a whorehouse so why bring the kid along? The other stuff that happened, like the race, that required Lucius' participation hadn't been planned before the trip.

That made no sense to me. It's not like he was left in Boon's care. They all knew better than that. In fact, Boss specifically told him not to be advised by Boon. Boss wouldn't even leave that car in Boon's care much less a kid. Usually when an older person is shown taking a kid to a whorehouse it's so they can have their first sexual experience. The kid was eleven, that's kind of twisted; even abusive.

I think he was taking the car so he took the kid and showed him how to drive so if something bad happened, he could blame the kid. There was no need to take him on an 'adventure' at that age and on that particular occasion. It's a coming of age movie but to a kid almost anything that happens to them around that time in their lives is a coming of age adventure. Maybe he took him along to keep him from telling what he knew.

2. Why would Boon marry Corrie? I guess all she had to do was quit her job and make sure none of her friends at the whorehouse would service him. He was her regular customer so he had to get his needs met somewhere.

I just find it odd especially after he slapped her so hard he blackened her eye, when she came out of retirement to get them and her friends out of jail. It's odd he would be upset about that given the fact they were the ones who got her into that predicament in the first place.

She may have been the only girl he was 'seeing' on his visits to Miss Reba's but he sure as hell wasn't her only customer. She couldn't have sustained herself with his occasional visits. The same way he was upset that disgusting sheriff knew her and the doctor felt her up, he's going to be dealing with issues like that during their marriage. He'd better stock up on those garters and grow some thick skin.

3. Why would Corrie marry Boon? After he gave her a black eye she should know what to expect from him. That won't be the last time he uses her as a punching bag. It's interesting because he's actually the only one who abused her. As far as we know the other men she was with didn't do that. Even the sheriff 'paid' her for her services; he released her friends. How does she expect Boon will ever look at her as anything more than what he knows she is? I don't get it. And, how would she ever trust him. He's not going to stop being with other woman just because he marries her. Then when they have kids, he'll be corrupting them too, like Lucius.

4. Why was Boss at the race? I thought he went to a funeral? I guess he's also a role model for lying in that family. It seemed like he went to find them but how, they had taken the car and he didn't return with any horse that he may have ridden. How would he have known where to find them anyway?

Also, why wouldn't he let his son take the strap to Lucius? The father seemed to have turned out okay. The ones that didn't were Boon and Ned who had apparently grown up in that same environment. It seems they didn't get the strap so they're loose and wild but the Lucius' father is settled down, married with a child and works for a living instead of stealing cars and making a nuisance of himself.

I don't condone hitting children or anyone but why would Boss suddenly change his tactics? I agree with what he says and how he handles the situation with Lucius but people usually don't change things when what they had been doing worked. It makes no sense. He undermined Lucius' dad's authority with his son. Besides, he may not have known it but Lucius had already learned his lesson before the talk. He finally saw Boon for who he is. He saw the ugliness that can exist in the world. He learned being irresponsible leads to more problems and not to fun.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
