MovieChat Forums > Five Easy Pieces (1970) Discussion > Partita DuPea=female Glenn Gould?

Partita DuPea=female Glenn Gould?

I'm watching the movie tonight for the first time, and I was struck by the scene where Partita is in the studio. If you watch the way she plays the piano, she brings her head in much closer than is normal, and she's also singing along with the piece she's playing. Both of these are traits associated with legendary classical pianist Glenn Gould.

Also, when Robert starts to put the coffee cup down on the piano, she makes a remark about it being a beautiful "CB 109" or something like that. Gould was known to favor one particular Steinway piano, identifying it by it's serial number. I believe he called it "Old 507" (or whatever the number is) in the liner notes to one of his albums. Apparently, this was the only piano he played for the last couple decades of his life, and the one that appears on all of his recordings from the late 60's and 70's.

So one wonders if Partita's behaviour isn't meant as an allusion to Gould. Has this ever been discussed by Bob Rafelson or anyone else connected with the film?


Didn't see your post when I sent mine today. I like your insights, and I think you're on the right track but how do we know? Have you had any feedback on your post?




My initial reaction to the piano is that it's a Bechstein. Many pianists have pianos they prefer to perform on and know them by name and number.
