MovieChat Forums > THX 1138 (1971) Discussion > what do you think happens to THX after h...

what do you think happens to THX after he escapes?

yea that's the one thing that bothered me after the movie was over...

whatever will happen to THX?
i mean he escaped! but he ended up in a desert...
this is the kind of thought Lucas has to make in a sequel...

like THX can wonder off in the desert and have an adventure with the desert people...
or go back to the city and start an organization to overthrow the government!
or... just wonder around in the desert until he dies of thirst and hunger...

should there be a sequel to this film?
or is it best to be left off in a huge cliffhanger?



nic80, you are giving an answer about the filming, not about the movie.

You like Sigur Ros. I hope you like my train of thought.

In Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey", through astronaut Dave Bowman's eyes, we enter a portal that eventually takes us two million years into the future, the Starchild.

What happens in THX-1138 is a small chapter in the historical, unseen events that happen between contemporary humanity and its' inevitable evolution into Starchild.

Just for the fun of it, I'll throw in 2450 as the year of THX. There are still almost two million years to go!

THX-1138 is the REAL netherworld of Science Fiction movies: original AND faithfull to the Clarke/Kubrick ideal.

There is a rumour that Lucas will go back to "art films". All I can say is Hooray!



If you see his univerity work the escape sounds not like a good idea.
The responsible people of the system talk like it is a tragedy that he escaped from the system and out of its shelter.
Ok, this could be one of the euphemistic obfuscations of this system.

But it is a great thing to do not know if it was a good idea to follow his free will and escape the system.

Like in Matrix where it is nor really clear if you are willed to live this dangerous live outside the matrix instead of the protected friendly matrix.

I think that is one of the many things which this movie let you not know how are the ment or if there is a deeper sense in it.
It is, and it is beautifill. But there are no explanations.


It would be sacrilage to make a sequal to a film like this! It's like writing part 2 of nineteen eighty four - sure it would probably be good coming from the same author and it may quench or curiosity, but it could only detract from the impact of the first.

I have to say, I was a little cynical about this film before I watched it. I had the idea that it was hyped up purely because it was his first - I mean the one comment it gives on the DVD is Lucas' first film - a visionary film'... even the producers weren't selling it! But oh my god, I was blown away. Fantastic! From the creator of 'Star Wars: the most hyped up soap opera in this galaxy' came a masterpiece certainly worthy of being mentioned alongside Aldous Huxley, George Orwell and Kurt Vonnegut.

Excellent film!


I agree with flash aah, making a sequel to this movie would be pretty bad. You can always watch THX 1138:4EB, the student film that THX is based off of if you need more.

Come up with your own ideas on what happened to THX after he left the city.

OHM is a hologram


I know Logans Run is not the sequal, but it seems like this may be where they got the idea for the movie from.



The film seems to owe much to Ayn Rand's Anthem as well.

Science can't explain everything, but religion can't explain anything.


Actually, there was a sequel to "1984" called (unsurprisingly) "1985", written by some Hungarian guy fairly recently. I read it about 10-15 years ago, but don't really recall a whole lot about it. Basically, the gist of the book was that the society as it was set up couldn't last and everything broke down. I recall it being written more like a history than a story about characters like the original.

If you haven't read "1984" or any of the other dystopian near-future classics of the 20th century (like "Brave New World") you should, because they are all coming true in many ways.




>Ok, this could be one of the euphemistic obfuscations of this system. <

What the HELL is THAT supposed to mean!? That has to be one of the LAMEST attempts at "talking smart" I have ever seen.


> Ok, this could be one of the euphemistic obfuscations of this system <

In other words, lies.

Some smart, some don't.


He sees the Statue of Liberty poking out of the ground.


Damn you all to hell!

OHM is a hologram



yea im reading 1984 right now for a school assginment... the book rocks...
and so far... i do own the director's cut of THX... the student film was weird... but it was good... i guess THX is a movie that's meant to make you think after the movie...

pretty cool tho...



"It's like the "Fortress Besieged" quote
"Those who are in want to get out, while those who are out want to get in, but once your actually there you come to realize that its not much different from where you were to begin with, neither is better then the other." "

I don't think it could have been put better, i never properly understood the ending of the film until i read this, and it now means so much mroe to me, THX is a fantastic film, complex and powerful without overdoing it on special effect


I like the Statute of Liberty thing


He continues living, just not the way he did in the City.


You need to understand that what matters is not exactly what happens after... What really matters is the fact that he escaped. That he got out. He is no longer part of the system and is free, breathing freedom for the first time.

It doesn't matter that freedom has its consequences or whether he met desert people or got burned by the Sun.


He gets a bad sun burn on his lilly white bald head.


In most oppressive countries, there are a lot of people who risk life and limb to escape (USSR, Cuba, Nazi Germany, etc). When THX escapes, he finds out that there were already other people before him who escaped. These people, unable to overthrow their old government, are foreced to live in their own underworld (overworld?) away from their old 'nation'.

So yes, THX does find other people when he escapes. He lives in a primative village where people are slowly learning to live in harsh conditions. I don't think it would make a good movie, but I could see a book being written about it. It probably would not be a best-seller, but I am sure many THX-1138 fans would like it.


So yes, THX does find other people when he escapes. He lives in a primative village where people are slowly learning to live in harsh conditions.

Is that in the book or something?

OHM is a hologram


I don't know. It is just a theory of mine. If there were a book, and George Lucas commissioned me to write the book, then that is how it would go.

George? You listening?


Like the Matrix and Dark City (and Logan's Run, more or less), the end of THX is based on Plato's allegory of the cave. When the guy in the allegory escapes from the cave, he is amazed to see the sun. Socrates speculates that, if the guy went back into the cave and told people about the sun, they'd think he's nuts and eventually kill him.

But the point is, it's just an image for a pure kind of knowledge unencumbered by the constraints of society (or perhaps even human perception). How Lucas conceives that, God knows.

But it's the escape from society that's important here.



That has got to the dumbest idea I have ever heard (not trying to insult you Sulli, trying to insult Hollywood filmakers). But what is scary, is that I can see Hollywood making something like that, just to milk the Star Wars success. Now what would the name of the next THX-1138 film be called? THX-11382? THX-1138 the Next Generation? THX-1139? THX-1138 Strikes Back? THX-1138 Menace (a story about his kid)? THX-1138 the Duck?


THX 1138: The Christmas Special.


I am guessing he goes back.

there's nothing for him.
Lucas made it a point to scare you with a reality.
The torment of the mind, and the incapability to escape.

I had a feeling that the outside was to be like that.
I was even guessing that the temperature or just mainly, the atmopshere would be tough harsh to live in, and so therefore live compressed inwards, in walls, and governed.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I am guessing he goes back.

there's nothing for him.
Lucas made it a point to scare you with a reality.
The torment of the mind, and the incapability to escape.

The birds seen flying across the sunset at the end of the movie didn't seem to have any problem surviving outside. Besides, Lucas and Murch said in the Blueray commentary that they debated whether or not to keep the shot with the birds flying past, and ultimately decided to keep it (the dwindling budget may have help them make up their minds) because it offered "a ray of hope" that survival might be possible.

"Why have you lived? Why have you suffered? Is it all some huge, awful joke?"



THX-1138 could find himself 2 miles west of...MOS EISLEY! Yeah, THX-1138 could just be a way for Lucas to expand the Star Wars universe...all of this happened under ground on Tatooine. These people are just another race of aliens in Star Wars, and they live underground on Tatooine. Wouldn't that be weird if the camera panned out and we saw Luke drive by in his speeder and nobody saw THX? That would be indeed strange...

"Where are you taking this... thing?"

"Prisoner transfer from cell block 1138..."



well, actually, more the point of plato's allegory is that while chained facing the wall, the man sees the shadows and believes that all the world is composed of is these shadows.. when he is freed and can see the objects that create the shadows, that is the point. what creates the shadows of our world, and why are we so blinded to believe that there can be nothing beyond the cave with the fire behind us? it's not the sun that amazes him, it's the realization of just how wrong he's been, and the posibility of what he's seeing being yet another shadow of something greater. while the people he returns to tell indeed think him mad, killing him has very little to do with the point of the allegory.

but yes, matrix, thx 1138, 1984, equilibrium, brave new world, we, et cetera ad nauseum, all of the dystopian books/films smack of plato. it's pretty important, i think, to be aware of this... that the feeling you get whenever you sympathize with any of these characters is as old as human written philosophy itself.


Did you just encourage George Lucas to make a sequel to one of his movies? Where have you been the past six years?!



The title of this film should be as the title of a great european film I saw in school. "A Man Escapes" the title tells you everything that happens, and nothing that happens. It tells you what will happen, but you don't believe it til it does.

THX escapes, and that is enough. If you don't get goose bumps when he sees the sun, you weren't paying attention. There is no more to the story. The story says, no one realises who i one the journey and who isn't. No one can make the journey except THX.

He is ultimately alone, but ultimately free.

"Somewhere in this universe there must be something better than man."- Taylor, Planet of the Apes



THX-1138-THE DISNEY TV SHOW! (imagine this next bit as a wacky Disney commericial) After THX-1138 escapes from the underground thing, he's pimpin', ridin' high, livin' in the suburbs and he's gonna need sun screen! Disney Presents "THX-1138: Stuck in the Suburbs". An all new sitcom airing this fall right after "The Passion of the Christ: The Musical".

Starring Bernie Mac as SRT, Jim Belushi as SEN, and Will Farrel as THX.

OHM is a hologram



Possible merchandise: Poseable action figures, a musical nightlight, "Honk if you love THX-1138" bumper stickers, a Lego THX-1138 set, Teddy Bears with IVs that say 15 different bland and politically correct slogans, Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Album (with included radio rock version), Children's book "THX-1138 misses his medicine", and of course a Coke or Pepsi promotional carton followed shortly by LUH on the cover of a Cheerios box.

