MovieChat Forums > All in the Family (1971) Discussion > Archie vs the Klu Klux Klan

Archie vs the Klu Klux Klan

The ending of this two parter features The best Archie Bunker we have ever seen. Archie has just made the biggest mistake of his life but he rises to the occasion. Alone and outnumbered, up against too brutal violent lowlifes he shows courage and conviction. it is also one of the funniest and also touching moments of the series. the classic line when confronted by the Klan leaders on who they have to fear, Archie says:" us Blacks."
It was a perfect moment and showed that even though Archie was a bigot it was with a lower case b. There is a delineation in racism, the misinformed Bunker would never actually physically harm anybody because of their religion or skin color, and when push came to shove he made it very clear to the Klan that he didn't want Crosses burnt anywhere-or he would come back with an army of his black brothers and kick their Honkey Heinies
Whatever the original genesis of the Bunker character, it was always shown that Bunker was more ignorant and ill informed then virulent racist, and that was proven quite nicely in this episode. And truth be told Archie was much more forgiving and flexible than his intolerant son-in-law who over-reacted to Archie's mistake and never even gave the man the benefit of the doubt in one of Archie's darkest and most dangerous hours.


I saw the episode this evening and many other times, as well. I don't think Michael was intolerant, inflexible, or unforgiving -- I think he was in shock and frightened for his family.


Fantastic episode. Archie, for my money, is perhaps the greatest character in television history.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Mike: "This is the worst thing you've ever done!".
Archie: "You don't know everything".


Indignant. Lol.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


I think it is shown that Mike can be very intolerant. Mike totally overreacts, he is a white man living in Queens but reacts with they type of fear best reserved for a black man living in some town in the deep south who is surrounded by the enemy.
Archie made a mistake, and in the limited time he has to explain himself, he says just what it was, he knew some guys who belonged to a club, which he thought could help his business , Archie is the worst at reading things, insight is not his strong suit, it wasn't till the club member put up their hoods that he knew what he got himself into...and he didn't know how to get himself out. He needed the support of his family, because Archie was in much more trouble than Mike or Gloria, because Archie had seen these Klan Men, he knew their faces and they knew him, they knew where he lived, one of them had been in his house, they also knew where his business was, they could get him at any time, Archie could put them all in Jail, he was a threat, while Mike was just a diversion, Mike was no threat to them, but Archie because of a twist of fate was really in trouble. But right there in his darkest hour his daughter and Son-in-law are only thinking of things through their own perspective.
In the end this helps Archie, because faced with the threat of losing his grand son and his daughter he walks into the very gates of hell and takes on the human personifications of the devil. He threatens the Klans Man in such a way, that turns fear back on them. the episode ends with Archie not leaving, not walking out the door, but standing facing evil. While the scene fades to black


I always refer to him as Meathead.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


We STILL never found out who gets the fifth burning cross... 


Probably nobody, after Archie's threat.


I use to think a long time ago that they were the ones responsible for Bev's death...


I don't know. Are they into that? I thought they were rebellious against race, communists, and maybe political issues.


Possibly, but Mike said that they were young kids and those guys that Archie saw at the meeting didn't look like young kids...


Yah, it seemed like a street gang that attacked them.
But the thing that always struck me as odd was that supposedly Beverly was a stage performer who was a "regular" guy outside of work, as opposed to Drew's brother on The Drew Carey Show.


Meathead said "they must've figured out what he was". Saw the dress bag, or the wig, or whatever.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


I'd always assumed that they saw Beverly arrive at the house in drag (he'd been to the house previously), knew it was a guy, were unaware that it was just a stage performance thing, and waited for him to leave the house for the attack.


Yes, that says volumes about his character. Archie wasn't evil or malicious, just a man living in a world that was changing too fast for his liking.


Agreed, Brun.

RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


It was pretty good, especially when he says, "And if we catch you guys burning any crosses, we're gonna come up here and we're gonna bust your honky heinies." George and Lionel would've loved that. But he just leaves at the end. I would've loved to see what happens next. Did the KKK back down?


The looks on their faces tell me that they planned to shut down until maybe they relocated their club house.



RIP Gene Wilder. One of the funniest people of all time. RIP Matt Roberts. You were great.


Yeah, I think they relocated to Colby East in Manhattan, NY...



I doubt those bums could afford it.
Brooklyn maybe.
