did archie beat edith

i wanted to see a episode like that

highes rating evr


He used to call her dingbat and insult her repeatedly which is not much different then beating her according to the left these days.


No, he just called her stupid and a dingbat.

Sadly, a woman like Efith would think herself very lucky to have a husband like Archie! Sure, he was rude and thoughtless, but he was a good provider, he never hit her, he didn't cheat on her, and wasn't an alcoholic or a deadbeat. Women of her generation and status had such low expectations that someone like Archie could seem like a catch!


Absolutely never.


Of course not and why would you want to see an episode like that?


Like in the Honeymooners - Ralph would never have really hit Alice nor Archie ever have hit Edith. He'd have found the idea repugnant.
