MovieChat Forums > All in the Family (1971) Discussion > house looked uncomfortable

house looked uncomfortable

didnt look like a hous ei would feel comfortable in


It reminds me of a grandparents old house that hasnt been updated. Old couch, chairs etc.


Maybe I like "old," but it looked very "homey" to me.


Homes back then weren't all fancy. People weren't so snobby then.


Way back before Martha Stewart, HGTV, and Chip and Jojo, most people didn't spend fortunes updating their houses every time a new trend came along. Even rich people usually had a plain, functional kitchen. Few middle-class home owners would have considered pouring tens of thousands of dollars (or the 1970 equivalent) into a bathroom because the counter tops were out-of-trend and they didn't have a room-size walk-in shower. Millions of people stampeding to duplicate whatever they see on "Property Brothers" this week is a 21st century phenomenon. It just wasn't a priority to most people fifty years ago.


Also, the Bunker's were supposed to be "working class" people. There were many episodes where money was a concern.

As you said, 50 years ago, people weren't into "upgrading." They were happy (and thankful) to have what they had.

Those were the days..... 🎼 🎶


I have a feeling "those days" may have to return. This engineered crisis after crisis is going to stop a lot of people from spending money on every trend that comes around, and perhaps people will learn to save their money.


You're right "those were the days".

Families were not driven by the greed and "keeping up with the Jones'", that drives many families today. They didn't have to take European vacations, remodel their house every five years, and pay for Chem-Lawn Lawn Service. They saved money for their kids' education, and they didn't have to take out 75% of their tuition in loans. They didn't have credit-card debt up the wing-wang, and saved for retirement.

Now both parents usually always work, but most of the money gets blown on material possessions.


The plumbing sure needed some insulation. A flushing toilet sound should not echo throughout the house


It wouldn't be heard - it was for comic effect.

My house is fairly modern, has no insulation on the interior walls, ceiling, or plumbing, and it's virtually impossible to hear the toilets or showers on the second floor while in the kitchen (which is below both upper bathrooms which are back to back). The sheetrock ceilings are enough to keep things quiet. The Bunker's house would have had the even heavier plaster instead of sheetrock and would have been even more quiet.

My mom's house is a one floor ranch, and if you're in the basement and the toilet is flushed, it can certainly be heard quite clearly because there is no finished ceiling in mom's basement.


It looked like any working class house that I was ever in during the early 1970's. People fixed what was needed and replaced what they considered was necessary. People saved for retirement versus spending big on the house.


Strange how people now live in these beautifully decorated homes, but they aren't very happy. People were much happier back in the day.
