Who *was* Vulnavia?

I've seen that someone else posted the info that in the original script, she was meant to be the goddess Athena, and that Phibes was a disciple of hers so she was up for helping him... but this was clearly thrown out.

I thought there was going to be some revelation about her identity, but it seems she was merely a mute beaut with a dash of theatrical blood - but where did he find her? It's not as if it's easy to find a like-minded soul for systematic murderous revenge on nine individuals.

I've not seen any of the SAW films (frankly, I'd rather vomit out of my nose for 24 hours solid) but what plot details I've heard from mates who have, seem to have been lifted wholesale from Phibes - including the villain having a female assistant, a la Vulnavia.


Whatever Vulnavia is, she's definitely not human. At the conclusion of the sequel 'Dr. Phibes Rises Again', she simply disappears into the same portal that she arrived through at the beginning of the film, and judging by Phibes' remarks, she's going to join him and Victoria. So clearly she doesn't need to travel down the River of Life like Phibes does.

And if you rewatch the very first scene of 'The Abominable Dr. Phibes', Vulnavia initially appears in a blaze of light.

My guess is that she's some kind of supernatural entity or spirit.



Actually, the good doctor was supposed to have a different assistant in the sequel, but studio meddling had her character return (despite the acid bath she received in the first film).

Unfortunately, Virginia North was pregnant at the time, so could not reprise her role. Too bad for us.


The acid bath she receives (and her screaming response to it, plus the policemen's horrified reaction) presents a bit of a connundrum. If she IS human, then how does she miraculously re-appear at the beginning of the sequel, without a mark on her? If she ISN'T human (i.e. a spirit or a clockwork robot) then why would she react to the acid bath? A robot would simply melt and a spirit would be unaffected by corporeal things such as acid. Either way, it leaves a very big question to be answered.


She WASN'T supposed to reappear in the sequel. The studio forced that change in the script for some damn reason; he was supposed to have a different assistant. That's the sad answer to your very big question.

They're always meddling with the writer's ideas. Bastards.


I'd like to know if anyone has any info. on Virginia North "Vulnavia" in the first Phibes film?
She was a babe and was able to do alot while doing nothing. I loved her little look at the camera two thirds through the movie!


I always assumed that she was some especially intricate invention of his...

"No man is just a number"


I've always wondered if she was supposed to be one of his "clockwork" devices?


I don't know who she was but she brought a presence to this movie. I especailly love the opening scene where she dances with Phibes. She was perfect for this role.
10 Stars!


vulnavia rules.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vulnavia may be a supernatural entity or a clockwork doll, but her role in the film seems to me the same role played by those beautiful assistants to stage magicians. She and Phibes are very much a pair of performers at an illusionist show. The man is drssed in black-tie or other formal clothing, and the woman is a dazzling beauty who attracts most of the attention from the male audience. Like so many other elements in the film, the couple is a stylized reference to a world of miracles, wonders and artifice, to say nothing of false dismemberments and baffling disappearances.


From what I've heard, Vulnavia was claimed in the movie novelization to have been hypnotized by Phibes to be his servant.


I simply assumed that Vulnavia (awful name) was a music student or musician acquainted with Phibes who simply worshiped him as a great artist or something, I thought the scene where she was walking the greyhound was meant to suggest something about her identity, she is like a beautiful, loyal, obedient and faithful animal willing to follow her beloved master anywhere. That's what I assumed anyway.


Interesting, I never made the connection to the "Saw" franchise and having the female assistant. Now that I see the similarities I don't think less of "Saw" , but it just goes to show, there is really nothing new under the sun.

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