MovieChat Forums > Diamonds Are Forever (1971) Discussion > Why not just shoot Bond?!? So stupid

Why not just shoot Bond?!? So stupid

Ok...yes, I get that it's a James Bond movie and every Bond movie has some villain trying to kill him in some crazy way and he miraculously escapes, but this one just seems beyond stupid...he's already escaped multiple times, so what do the two gay killers do? Take him to an isolated construction site and...put him in a tube, knocked out?? Ridiculous. No reason in the world why they wouldn't just shoot him once they got him there. Likewise when he meets Blofield at the end, given how many times Bond has F'd up Blofield's plans before this there's just no reason why Blofield wouldn't get rid of him right then and there with so much on the line. At least in movies like From Russia With Love, there was at least some rationale behind the escapes!


;sigh!; another "realist-fascist" messing with a fantasy movie


It would have made for a much shorter film.


No reason in the world why they wouldn't just shoot him once they got him there

Who else did they shoot in the film?? And why would they all of a sudden do so? They were killing people in unique ways for a reason. The Doc died my a scorpion bite in the desert, the helicopter pilot blew up, and Mrs Whistler drowned in the canals. Could those have been accidents? And is there any way to trace them to Kidd and WInt?

I get what you are trying to say, but they were obviously trying to kill 007 in a similar way that wouldn't draw MI6 to them.(or to Blofeld's master plan) 007 could have been chasing a lead, which drew him down to the construction site, and he got knocked out in the tunnel and died. That's the way I see anyways.

Who's strangling the cat?


I mean, maybe, but at that point why not shoot him and just bury him in a deep grave at the construction site?


The deserts around Las Vegas must be full of graves of mob hits as anyone has seen CASINO will testify. Wint and Kidd probably couldn't find any place spare. Anyway, Bpnd villains never learn - just as they never learn to never leave Bond alone with a large-breasted girl accomplice.


Cough! Cough!


If you shot and killed James Bond........the franchise is over. No more $$$$. Duh.


Much too boring for Wint & Kidd. Where's the sport and amusement in that?

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan


You just....don't get it, Scott...


I could forgive the villains not killing him if they had a really cool death trap planned for him (like the crocodile farm) but leaving him at a construction site isn’t even interesting.


This is a pretty common trope in the franchise. Nearly all the villains get plenty of opportunities to kill Bond, but they always screw it up. It's funny too, because they're always quickly offing their henchmen for failing them. But when it comes to 007, they always hesitate or take too long, often putting him in an easily escapable situation with no surveillance. You Only Live Twice has several examples of this, Blofeld had sooo many chances to snuff out his nemesis, but always opted for talking instead. It's even more hilarious when they explain their master plan while providing food for Bond and it's like, "Damn it, he's right there! Shoot him already!" But of course, we need that plot armor or otherwise we wouldn't have this excellent franchise.


I loved the take on this in “Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me,” when Dr. Evil’s son was basically begging him to just shoot Powers instead of laying out his whole plan and trying to come up with some bizarre way of killing Powers. “Why don’t you just shoot him? I have a gun in my room... I’ll do it for you!”

It was so on point you couldn’t help but laugh.


Haha yeah, they absolutely nailed it.
