MovieChat Forums > Escape from the Planet of the Apes (1971) Discussion > Dr. Zira is pregnant and they give her A...

Dr. Zira is pregnant and they give her Alcohol (Grape Juice Plus)!

Here is the dialog: "Zira, it (the wine) is a great restorative, I assure you! Especially in cases of pregnancy, you know?" Zira then proceeds to drink "Grape Juice Plus"!

Hah! Oh, this soundtrack is awesome also. Reminds me of Omega Man!


Now that you say it, it sure seems like he wants to hurt the baby!
Oh, wait...
Besides, he just cared about getting her drunk


Zira was first given "grape juice plus" by a waiter at the reception before she announced to anyone she was pregnant. Wine does have "great restorative" attributes (now known as antioxidants). Besides, in 1971, people drank and smoked during pregnancy. They didn't know any better.



Oh, the seventies!

Ignorance was bliss.

Why has everyone suddenly started putting a 'spoiler' as their signature?



Considering the fact that Dr. Hasslien specifically tries to convince her that alcohol is particularly healthy for a pregnancy, I think he wanted to cause some damage.

How many minutes later in the movie is he pumping bullets into mother and child?


At that time, a little champagne was not thought to harm a baby's normal development. BUT HOW ABOUT SPACE TRAVEL??? Where's Dr. Spock when you need him?


I laughed at that bit.

Then he took out a cigarette case!!

Yes, I know it was fake...

...but it still made me chuckle.

"Here! You get drunk and I'll sit beside you and smoke. Hope your baby is born fit and healthy." Followed by an evil laugh :)



He was destructing of the apes from the beginning. I would be surprised if he didn't shed a great even if they were pure as the driven snow and had lost the baby.


In one of the deleted scenes, after he gives her the GJ+ and smokes a big stogie, he starts hitting her in the stomach with a baseball bat.


Most people in 1971 didn't think that alcohol didn't cross the placental barrier - or more likely didn't think about it at all. This is by far not the only movie in which a pregnant woman drinks wine and no one thinks anything about it, or even in which she is encouraged to drink.

At different times in history, people have been "certain" about "facts" of pregnancy, from the thought that nothing crossed the placental barrier to thinking that the mother's every thought or fantasy could affect the baby physically and mentally (one explanation for the 'Elephant Man's' deformity was that his mother had been frightened by an elephant).

Who knows what we will be "certain" of in 40 more years?



In one of the deleted scenes, after he gives her the GJ+ and smokes a big stogie, he starts hitting her in the stomach with a baseball bat.

Nice one. :)

Then he turns her upside down and plants her head into the floor a few times. "When will people start to care??"


I thought the irony was he "shouldnt smoke around zira in her condition."

so, you are going to get the pregnant woman drunk, but you're worried about smoking!? that makes sense.


Zira then proceeds to drink "Grape Juice Plus"
She can read?! I know they can talk but reading our script?


Zira then proceeds to drink "Grape Juice Plus"

She can read?! I know they can talk but reading our script?

Maybe I've missed a joke or something from yourself, but sure she could read. Back in the original film, Taylor hands her a note informing her of his name ("My name is Taylor"), and then was quite busy writing his life story to both Zira and Cornelius just prior to the trial, which they seemed to read without any difficulty. The apes were intelligent and certainly capable of reading and writing.


I wasn't joking, and I forgot about Taylor's note.

But although I appreciate they've managed to preserve the English language, I wouldn't have thought that over the centuries or millenia that apes ruled the world, they'd also preserved the script.


But although I appreciate they've managed to preserve the English language, I wouldn't have thought that over the centuries or millenia that apes ruled the world, they'd also preserved the script.

Why not? If you're willing to accept that they would still use the English language the same way we currently do, then what's to say that the written language wouldn't also be the same? Why would the writing dramatically change and yet not the spoken language? I mean, if this did really happen (let's humour ourselves), then I'd expect both the verbal and written language to change over those thousands of years, but then this thing called suspension of disbelief comes along and settles my mind. ;)


He needed to get her drunk to make her talk, and I doubt he gave a crap about her baby.

Don't wait, drink urine now


Seriously people have been drinking alcohol during pregnancy for thousands of years. It is only in the United States where booze has pretty much always been considered sinful this is deemed a problem. F.A.S is a comparatively recent invention. It is also over diagnosed. Peace out:)

If you are not busy being born, you are busy dying.


Is Grape Juice Plus like Milk Plus Vellocet?

The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club


Is Grape Juice Plus like Milk Plus Vellocet?


Dunno, but it has the same effect as Vodka Jelly!!!

You are entitled to my opinion, whether you want it or not!!


As i recall, the "Grape Juice Plus" contained sodium pentathol... the so-called truth serum of the time. He was trying to gather info.


She did already drink it at the party.
