So Maude was (spoilers)

A Holocaust Survivor?

That certainly explains a lot about why she loves life so much.

On a side note, that's what I love about these older directors who understood that film is primarily a visual medium. A small detail, but one that opens up a humongous backstory and fleshes out the unseen history of a character.

Why can't all directors these days be that smart????

Limit of the Willing Suspension of Disbelief: directly proportional to its awesomeness.


I completely agree! One of my favorite parts of this film is that her tattoo is never directly addressed by a character. Just a quick glimpse, and the audience understands completely.

One of the most beautiful ways to tell a story.


YES! I had heard about this movie for a long time before I saw it 2 years ago, and NO ONE mentioned her Concentration Camp tattoo!! I thought maybe I was mistaken when i saw it, but thank God someone else did too. And I also loved that it passed without comment. Brilliant
