MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > "They weed out the fat and the ugly."

"They weed out the fat and the ugly."

Actually I don't know if she said "count out" or "weed out" but whatever it was it was hilarious.

It wasn't me who was murdered, was it?


Was it more hilarious when the first girl turned up - fat, ugly, and stupid to boot?


i think the movie did a good depiction of weeding out as the dates progressed. the first was hysterical in fleeing, the second just backed away silently in disbelief, while the third was taken by the eccentricities and actually had to kill herself accidentally lest Harold would have been trapped in his mothers plot lol


the third was taken by the eccentricities and actually had to kill herself accidentally lest Harold would have been trapped in his mothers plot lol

Um..perhaps there was a misunderstanding. The third girl (Sunshine) wasn't really dead. She was an actress and able to see through Harold's theatrics and she wanted to join in. They make it clear the blade they both use had a spring-loaded retractable blade as she plays (poorly) Juliet.

What's funny is that Harold's mother thinks she is dead and her only lament is "she was the last one!".

What's serious is that it probably inspires Harold to realize that his cheap theatrics are as deep and meaningful as this shallow actress. I doubt he devotes more of his time to such things.


I think the third girl, Sunshine was just the type of woman to connect with Harold. I could see him looking her up at the end of the movie.


I remember watching this in a theater, when it came out, and rolling on the floor with that line (among others).

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."


"So it's obviously a firm of high standards. Now are you or have you ever......found the idea of wife swapping distasteful."
