Cat Stevens' Cameo?!

There is a suggestion, backed up by IMDb, that, in addition to providing the soundtrack, Cat Stevens makes a 'blink & you'll miss it' cameo appearance in the film. The general belief is that it's at one of the funeral scenes where Maude is trying to get Harold's attention, she is hiding behind a man in a hat. The man in the hat is allegedly Cat Stevens. However, I don't believe this is true. The gentleman in question is older than Cat Stevens would have been at the time of filming and, furthermore, more of this man can be seen in some trailers and deleted scenes. See around 13 mins in, here;

If Cat Stevens is in this film at all, I think it's more likely to be as the male hitchhiker - but what does everyone else think? 🐱


It's not the guy in the hat. He's too old. I'm not sure it's the hitchhiker. Other than the beard and hair, he doesn't look anything like him. Here's a screenshot:

I've read numerous times that he's in one of the funeral scenes. I've never been able to make him out.

You keep on reminding me of a darkness only I can see
