
I am in the middle of the movie .. its a snooze fest . All i was thinking is to help harold and maude commit their suicides without torturing us .it so boring as hell


Go watch Transformers, @ssh0le.

Top 250 Foreign Movies


Thats another brainless movie from another f*ng piece of sh*t commentator. But i am pretty sure i can sleep while watching transformer too


I am a French bitch 


Watch it again when you're 40. If you still don't like it, kill yourself.


Why should I kill myself when you are still alive after falling in love with this movie ?



Actually, this movie is incredibly engaging. From the opening scene to the last frame, I was captivated by Harold's predicament and his unconventional relationship with Maude. I really don't know how you could call this boring, as there's almost a gag every few minutes.

A boring movie to me would be some "critically praised" turkey that lumbers out year after year like 12 Years a Slave, Her, or anything by Christopher Nolan. Some emotionless, robotic wankfest that exists only to pander to itself.

This, on the other hand, is funny, touching, and original. Wes Anderson could only dream of writing a film as wonderful.

~ That's much too vulgar a display of power, Karras.


I would argue that many of Wes Anderson's films are comprable, if not better than Harold and Maude. Ashby and Anderson have different methods of storytelling, but I think both directors warrant their own special praise.


I'm always amazed by the stupidity of people posting in the middle of a movie. Watch the movie, and express some sort of opinion.

But, I assume that it's trolling, and little else. Must be fun.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."


I couldnt . fuc*ing boring .


Well it's not loud, obscene or violent just thoughtful. Maybe it's one of those 70's movies that gives you something to think about and not contrived at all. Age thing??

Once a girl younger than me said she hated black and white movies. All I could say was "Are you nuts?"
