MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > 500 Things I Learned from Harold and Mau...

500 Things I Learned from Harold and Maude

1) The only method of suicide that works is poison tablets.
2) Cars are disposable and freely available on the street.
3) If you learn to play the banjo you will find the meaning of life.
4) Going to funerals is a great way to "hook up".
5) Storing items in water ensures their safekeeping for later retrieval.
6) It's generally easier to get rid of a car than it is to park it.
7) Laws in society are only general guidelines and following them is not required.
8) If you play a Cat Stevens song an epiphany will soon follow.
9) Turning a regular car into a hearse is not only possible, it's so easy that an unskilled 19 year old can do it perfectly.
10) The proper procedure to die is to wait until you are almost 80 and then have sex with someone 1/4 your age in a final ritual that involves post coital bubble blowing, and then proceed to commit suicide.
11) The laws of physics do not actually apply to driving.
12) Death is funny until it's real.
13) Mothers are like vending machines for girlfriends and cars.
14) Joining the army is a process whereby you demonstrate your disqualification based on insanity and then don't join.
15) Drinking tea will make you start to like a woman four times your age.


Hey that's funny, and it's all true somehow, so good you learned something!


16) An abandoned railroad car is appropriate housing for the elderly.
17) You're never too old for a second career in nude modeling.
18) No money for dates? You can always woo your lover with trips to the greenhouse, wrecking yard and sunny hillsides. In a pinch, a funeral can always be found.
19) If at first you don't like a piece of art... "for aesthetic appreciation, always a little time!" especially if it's on the hood of your car.
20) A stiffly starched shirt sleeve is a reasonable replacement for a right arm.


I really never thought anyone could view this film with such cynicism, but
you have managed that very well. You must be jaded, to extract only these
things from such a beautiful, funny film.


21) Don't be shy.
22) Let your feelings roll on by.
23) If you wanna sing out, sing out.


Everyone has the right to make an ass out of themselves.

Aromatherapy was around well before it was embraced as an alternative healing technique.


26) Being officious is the curse of a government job.


27.) If you want to sing out, sing out!


28.) Don't wait until you're 80 to do it!


29. This country needs more Nathan Hales.


30. When I'm 80, I want a long legged young man with gorgeous big blue eyes. When I get old, I'd love to bang something like that!


31. Bud Cort was a real babe in the 1970's!


"___ things I learned from _________" threads are stupid.
