For Ruth Gordon fans

Apparently Ruth Gordon appeared on a TV show in the early 70s called "This is Your Life." I did not expect Bud Cort to come out at the end!


What a pity they allowed him so little air time!

Even in that short span, you notice how shy and self-effacing he was in real life. This brought back a memory for me: back in 1980 or so, Bud Cort did a live appearance at a small nightclub in San Francisco, testing out a one man show he had developed. I was there. It was all singing, just him and a musician at a piano, singing mostly standards, with a little banter in between numbers. He was absolutely charming. It was one of the most lovely evenings I've ever spent. But initially he was so shy! He was just like in this clip, such a mild and self-effacing soul. He billed himself as "Harry Maudlin" (get it?), and I would never have known about this had the entertainment section of the S.F. Chronicle not divulged that it was him, and when and where, beforehand. I was so lucky to be there. It's one of the sweetest memories of my life.
