His last date...

Just wondering if she had actually killed herself with the harikari knife? I was unsure if it was a trick knife or if Harold had some way of not actually hurting himself.


Just wondering if she had actually killed herself with the harikari knife? I was unsure if it was a trick knife or if Harold had some way of not actually hurting himself.

The film shows right after she say "oh happy dagger" that she takes the blade, presses it against her hand to test it. This is exactly what the script describes:

Yea, noise? Then I'll be brief.
Oh happy dagger!...

She takes stunned Harold's dagger, pressing the blade
back and forth in the handle to see how it operates.

And is also what is in Higgins' novelization of the film:

"Oh, happy dagger!" she cried. She took a moment out to test it, pushing the blade into the handle and seeing how it squirted out blood. Satisfied, she ontinued.

It also seems to me that "death scene" is over the top acting-wise. My sense is that Ellen Geer is a doing good acting job, portraying Sunshine as a poor actress as she does Juliet's death scene. I do not believe it is Ellen Geer overacting in doing Sunshine's death scene.


I have been a fan of this movie since the 70's and this has been the scene that I have never been sure of. I have discussed this with several people and most people have felt that it was a fake suicide for her. I always felt that she had a shocked look on her face as she plunged the knife and that she was really killed.


I always felt that she had a shocked look on her face as she plunged the knife and that she was really killed.

I took the "shocked look" was the "dying face" for Juliet that Geer believed Sunshine would use.
