MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > newish movie reminded me of harold and m...

newish movie reminded me of harold and maude

"this must be the place"

similar vibes and themes. dark humor.

§ Al-Qaeda, Jihad, Great Satan, bomb, explosive, death, Allah


What do you mean by "newish"? I assume you mean "Jewish" because the letters "n" and "j" are next to each other on the keyboard. Looks like a typo.


it is a movie that is not old. fairly new, but not very new. newish.

§ Al-Qaeda, Jihad, Great Satan, bomb, explosive, death, Allah


What problem? I'm only asking about the meaning of a word you used, assuming it's not a typo. I've never seen/heard that before. But if it's a typo, then I'm trying to guess what word you mean. I'm not implying you're a bad writer or anything.

"Jewish" is a reasonable guess not only because of the keyboard thing I mentioned but also because one of the characters (Maude) is implied to be a Jew.

I don't see what problem I have, I'm only curious what one of the words in the title means. Nothing wrong with that.

EDIT: Nevermind, I just noticed you edited your post.


Maude could be Jewish. She could also have been a Communist, Gypsy, or any of the other "undesirables" that the Nazis murdered.

If you look for perfection, you will never be content.


Maude could be Jewish. She could also have been a Communist, Gypsy, or any of the other "undesirables" that the Nazis murdered.

I don't think it likely that a Jew would genuflect and cross oneself in a church (when entering/exiting a pew). Many Christians do not even do this...


Usually not, but there are some exceptions, such as the Jew who converted to Catholicism, the Jew who shows respect for the building, etc. Hell, Maude could have been a Catholic sent to the camps for all we know.

If you look for perfection, you will never be content.


Usually not, but there are some exceptions, such as the Jew who converted to Catholicism, the Jew who shows respect for the building, etc.

This does not ring true for me, since she desecrates the statues. I saw the genuflect as more "habit" / "routine"

Hell, Maude could have been a Catholic sent to the camps for all we know.

This is more of my conclusion, especially with her "desecrating" of the statues.
