A Great Anti-War Film!

This was viewed in 1971 as an anti-war film because it mocked Harold's uncle's love for the military and for killing. It was during the Vietnam War. Loved the scene where Harold runs after Maude, who is imitating an anti-war protester, and Harold pretends to kill her. She drops into a floor trap and into the water. Suddenly your realize the thirst for killing isn't all that it is cracked up to be. You have to be a bit crazy to kill another human being. The gentle music of Cat Stevens is featured throughout the movie. Cat Stevens later went on to write the song "Peace Train."


To think Cat Stevens later changed his name to Yusuf Islam and called for Jihad. Time changes people. Who knows, maybe Maude 30 years ago was like one of those girls Harold's mom was trying to hook him up with.


nice point about people changing, but the young Maude who used her umbrella to fend off the police when participating in demonstrations would hardly have pleased Harold's mother!!

Harold changes...and that's one of the biggest points of the movie. He embraces life instead of fake suicides.

And to keep this post on topic, there's another brief but extremely clear anti-war indication in the film: Maude has on her forearm, the tattooed number of a [former] nazi concentration camp prisoner. To me that one brief shot says so much and is one of the greatest pointers to her free-for-all attitude to life and her extreme disregard of unthinking authority, but that's probably for another thread...

And while we're looking for anti-war messages in this film, let's not forget the picnic in the military cemetery...surely that slow zoom out as the camera withdraws and reveals where they are, is meant to make us stop and think about all the dead soldiers?


About the military cemetary thing. Don't miss out on the beauty of the shot and juxtapositioning the similarities in appearance of flower beds of daisies and white headstones. I think it was meant to be more than just antiwar. Also showing how people are like daisies.

ยง Al-Qaeda, Jihad, Great Satan, bomb, explosive, death, Allah
