MovieChat Forums > Harold and Maude (1971) Discussion > Suggestions for similar films?

Suggestions for similar films?

This is one of my three equal-place favourite films of all time (the other two are Hal Hartley's "Trust" and the Coen brothers' "The Big Lebowski"). Would any other big fans of "Harod and Maude" like to make a suggestion or two of similar films I might like?

I mean both in terms of similar feel and/or cinematic, "change your life" experience, as well as thematically.

Some films with similar themes I already know & like are:

Forbidden/unusual love:

The House of Yes
Dear Wendy
Love Me if You Dare
Chansons d'Amour (Love Songs)
Let the Right One In
The Dreamers
Les Amour Imaginaires (Heartbeats)

Similar feel:

The Wonder Boys
Garden State
The Graduate
Me and You and Everyone We Know
My Life Without Me

I hope some Harold & Maude fans may be able to offer some good (serious!) suggestions. Thanks! :)


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Hello Tyler,

I saw Submarine a couple of months ago, and it was one of those films I really wanted to like, but it didn't really do it for me. I can see that it had a similar "feel" to Harold and Maude, though, so thanks for that suggestion. :)


PS: Another one I remember that could be in this list was The Royal Tenenbaums.

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I wonder if you might like Secretary? It's also very quirky and weird, but deeply romantic. It's obviously much more sexual, but the sexuality is used to tell you about the main characters' strengths and vulnerabilities rather than as an end in itself - so maybe a little like Harold and Maude (which I loved!)


I've had that recommended to me before, but I avoided it because of the BDSM storyline where it's the woman getting hit and tied up... Maybe I'll give it a go, though, because it's been recommended by a couple of people now.

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Both Wes Anderson films.


FIGHT CLUB in many ways is the dark twin of this film.

The meeting of the 2 couples at grief groups they don't belong at (the funerals, the support groups). The men, Harold and the schizophrenic Tyler/Narrator, both have severe issues as the protagonist regarding emotional expression.

And, if you want to look at it politically, both heroes are, in my view, Anarchists, Tyler is trying to destroy modern capitalism by blowing up the buildings while Maude, with her umbrella and Emma Goldman-style protesting (Harold Red baits her when he is flipping out), as well as general disregard for any sense of property, authority, or possession, is a survivor perhaps more for her politics, European Anarchists were persecuted by Hitler's SA in the earliest stages of the Third Reich as he consolidated power.


I've seen Fight Club, and it was great, but I wouldn't have linked it to Harold & Maude... But after reading your analysis of the similarities between the two, I can definitely see what you mean. :D


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i want to offer Lost in Translation for consideration.

Though the ages are not that far a part, bill is old enough to be her father.

as for the 'change your life' feel. both charecters are wandering out in the wilderness of life, trying to find an anchor. scarlett accompanies her newly married husband on this trip as a way to try and fill a need/find a purpose. bill, perhaps married but doubting, is far beyond trying to find a purpose, he's in town for the money. he even admits he could be back home doing a play.

like with harold, a young rich man with no direction, and maude, winding down her life fulfilled - for a brief moment in time find common ground to enjoy life again. for the first time perhaps for one, one last time for another.

and though not as extreme as that for scarlett and bill, it certainly does feel that for the first time in a while both of them are enjoying life.

though i will admit lost in translation is more 'life reinforcing', harold and maude is more 'life defining'.

if it wasn't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college


I loved Lost In Translation... I still remember everybody making fun of Sofia Coppola as an actress (though I seem to be the only person that didn't think her particularly bad in The Godfather 3), but if she was an average actress, then she is a fantastic director. :)

Sarah Polley is a great actress, but after seeing both of the films she has directed, she is a truly impressive director, too... And her latest film, "Take This Waltz", is another film that should be in the "similar feel" list I posted above - I highly recommend it, Sabalon.


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amazing recommendations OP thanks.


King of Hearts. Both are among the greatest Anti-War movies, and both are about love of life on your own terms. No surprise that Harold and Maude followed King of Hearts as the midnight movie in many parts of the country (no points for guessing what followed Harold and Maude as the midnight movie).
