The Sequels

If you didn't know there were 2 sequels for this, I haven't seen them but I plan to. Anyone see the sequels?

It's not a lie if you believe it.


Yeah i saw them, neither is as good as the original in my opinion but interesting none the less. worth seeing Shaft's big score as Moses Gunn is also in it.




The only one that I've seen was the Shaft movie with Samuel L. Jackson. It's okay and fun...but it's not Shaft.

Looks like you forgot to take your anti-retard pills again.


Shaft's Big Score tries to outdo the original by trying to be bigger, stronger & more outrageous. It's decent as blaxploitation movies go but.... there's something about it that just makes it strained. The plot isn't as detailed as the first and the movie tries to compensate with wild action sequences that are excellent considering the movies' relatively small budget.

Shaft in Africa is a fascinating movie all by itself. I see it as an attempt at being the black James Bond. The story and plot is well written and has a few neat twists. Let's not forget the amazing locales used for the shooting of the movie.

I love all the Shaft movies equally though. They all have their strengths and weaknesses but as sequels go, they are for the most part very well done.


I love all the Shaft movies. Even the 4th one with Samuel L. For all it had the same title as the first movie, it wasn't a remake thankfully. It was a lose continuation and unofficial Shaft 4 (watch out for Richard Roundtree's cameo as the original Shaft). I've yet to see the 7 TV movies though from the 70's. I think I'll order them from America and have a Shaft fest after Christmas :-)


Loose continuation I meant, lol!


In my opinion the sequel is better than this film, and the third one, while cheesy was the best.


Shaft's Big Score is really good but Shaft in Africa isnt so good.

And the 2000 film with Sam Jackson sucked.


The second movie had the best action of the series. The third movie had the hottest women. That said, Shaft is still the best written and directed of the three.
