Mark Furman

As I was being hassled AGAIN today by an Indiana University dentist and bothered (Again) by police following me around- I caught a glimpse of two guys in blue uniforms in the back of the office shortly after I arrived- and they never came out the front- Such are the games they've been playing with me- for being transgendered I guess-
I had to endure a television in the waiting room where I was kept waiting and waiting while others who came after me went before, and the televisoin was playing a bunch of cop nonsense (Does it play anything else these days?)- and some of it was quite pointed and strangely personal- and a host of police cruisers kept passing by outside- Lo and behold, on TV there was our favorite nature-loving retiree Officer Mark Furman-

Now as I have certain spiritual gifts, that seem to kick in peculiarly under fire, my internal computer suddenly made a visual and voice match- My My doesn't he look and sound a lot like Al Gore-

Now most people think of mr. Gore as the democrat robbed of the election, but my internal compter has already decided that he looks and sounds a lot like Ronald Reagan- A Ronald Reagan who a lot of people have accused me of somehow being- as I am hassled and beaten by right-wingers- and whose birthday is a day or so from my own- You say it's your birthday- Yes were going to a party party!

So you think you had a choice when George w ran against Ronald Reagan- I don't think so and that's how far it's all gone-

Notice how the issues are the losers: THE ENVIRONMENT loses, so Mr.& Mrs. Winning side ALWAYS start putting that issue down. The Clintons brought forth a Health Care bill- that died without so much as a whimper since- and now all the capitalist insurance , pharmaceutical companies and doctors and lawyers all want a piece of Social Security

If I was a black man or woman I sure wouldn't want to die for- or encourage anyone else to die for the military-industrial-computer controlled elitist and racist coalitions running things now-

I'm a graduate of that same Indiana University and I can't believe what I'm seeing out of these people now, and their law enforcement community- CRUELTY that would shock a lot of people-

Whether he was guilty or not- the O.J. jury sure knew the cops for what they've become- and maybe what they've always been

Indiana University: Big Buck U., we're not all for you anymore


Oh- and John Kerry (John Dental Carrie):

They had a tape of Richard Nixon talking badly about John Carrie- and Nixon said he didn't like him and that he "looked like a Kennedy"

Well know what- I always thought he looked more like Bob Dole who looked VERY MUCH like Richard Nixon- and they DOOO things like that- turn it into a bunch of lies and a big joke-

And know what else? All this was going on as a dentist in California was torturing me- and I honestly believe it was all aimed at me in a very specific in-my-face way- and you know what else? It wouldn't be the first time...

Boy are the people running things now STUUUUUUPID!


So I still haven't had the tooth pulled and the infection goes on- people around the Bloomington area are mocking me over it- my my what a cyber/ cell phone connected age we live in that allows the fascists to play their sadistic Party games and allegiances like true Nazis-
I suppose there would still be some folks shocked by the level of nonsense I've seen of wickedness in high places- particularly during this administration's term, but perhaps not
Guilty or not- the O.J. jury knew something of the system they were dealing with


Yea I really like this movie too.


This all started in Needles California about four or five years ago now- when I went to see a dentist there-

But actually it started even earlier- when my team won the Little 500 at Indiana University in 1977 and our sponser was Marathon Oil. So then there was a picture of me in the IU yearbook, being Kerried on the shoulders of some animal house things, with the Marathon Oil logo prominently displayed on my little flat chest.

A short time later the HOLLYWOOD MOVIE "Marathon Man" came out, in which Dustin Hoffman is a long distance runner who gets tortured by some Nazi dentist over some information the guy thinks he Noes. So it was kind of a joke in my own mind: "Hey, Hey, Hays, I'm the Marathon Man, I AM, I AM."

Until that dentist in Needles, when the right=wing WHACKO temper=tantrum was reaching it's Peak over transgendered people like me (Seems a lot of us neggars get hung in Springer land, and it seems like a good idea to Lily Hill Needles America- with the police station right there on Bailey street (read Bail Liberal). SO I go in there with this Denta Cal coverage, that supplements my SSI disability, and he does not one, but two root canals, and tells me the crowns will be in in a week or two.

In the meantime I'm having MASSIVE migraine headaches that lasta week sometimes, and now in the third location where mysterious neighbors have moved in and are again blasting me noise that isn't even music that even cracks the stucco foundation in the Three-plex I'm living in. Just after the mocking begins in a fast food restaurant when a girl behind me starts talking about the troubles She is having with the same dentist there- and I have this ominous feeling of Forbo-ding things to come.

Weeks pass, and no crowns. The dentist starts saying the approval from denta-cal is holding things up- I go in months later, thinking the call I got was for the crowns- more drilling, no crowns- Same story: "soon", I'm going around now with holes in my teeth- and it literally starts going on a year since the first visit- My phone calls keep getting same result- Denta Cal blames doctor, doctor blames Denta-Cal. I'm lying in hot desert with migraines getting pounded by noise, and the only other dentist for miles and miles and miles around in California says he can't finish work the other Republican dentist has started.

I finally lose one of the teeth, and get a crown for the other on a visit to my mother's in indianapolis- The governor recall thing is going on then in California- Gary Coleman is running for governor and for some reason his name is listed on the page of registered voters I have to sign when voting, and the name Gary Coleman surprisingly is listed on that Sheet too- and I even notice that his address is listed as the same apartment complex I've fled to now, where the same pattern of harrasment is occuring- now with neighbors all sporting some kind of "emergency vehicle" lights atop their cars. Oh, did I mention, my old name was ALSO Gary. So Gary Coleman doesn't win in the hotly contested election- it's Green Acres Pig Swat Zee Neggar. And in two years I NEVER ONCE see Gary Coleman around the apartment complex he's on the voter registration rolls as living in way out in Needles California.

After another two years of military-style hazing- with some AAAAAAA showing up only at night to sharply rap on my apartment ceiling all night long, I again move back to Indiana and the Grey Dayvis skies there I was raised under.

Never taking a back seat to ANY kind of very very extreme right-wing fascist whacko nonsense- it was certainly waiting for me here again- and among even more fascist attrocities and denial of the limited health care rights grudgingly passed by despotic and tyrannical legislators- the dental care nightmare goes on- including the visit to the strip mall dental clinic in Indianapolis- where cops were mysteriously present in the office when I arrived but apparently skulked out the back to be less conspicuous- C.S. Oh Yeah.

Oh, did I mention that they'd been following me around? Yeah- starting in tiny quiet little Needles- a town of 5000 people way way out in the desert where they still have about a dozen cruiser- When it began and I was gettuing driven from dwelling to dwelling with pounding recurring migraines, and the dentist laid his nightmare on me- I started posting things about it on the net- writing letter to newspapers and everyone else, and just because I wasn't sure where it would end. So in typical magnanimous right-wing fashion, They of course only seemed to take MORE offense at my mere mention of the TRUTH, and started folling me even more- and didn't miss a beat when I returned to indiana.

It took me over a year to get approved for Medicaid here after the same kind of office vs. administration inaccountability- and after a yera of never using it, I've been wrestling all summer trying to get the "evaluations" I need for reapproval- while very few doctors or dentists even accept the coverage- I guess what they can't legislate away, they will fuss away- And you can bet their own professional school quotas will still be in place at the universities, where tuitions will undoubtedly keep spiraling.

Thank god I've never let the people of this nation use me to do THEIR killing...
I've thought about showing up at the airport to spit on the "Vols" returning- just so they won't be like the incredibly numerous liars I've heard tell such a story on the internet about Coming Home from Nam...

God in heaven, God above, be a God of truth and love


And No, frankly I haben't even SEEN this movie,- but I did like the music and had it on tape for years-

I've just heard a lot of black men talk about being followed around by the police, and I lived in LA after Rodney King and saw how they kept following him around afterwards, hounding the man and trying to find instances to further discredit him- and they really preach to their own sick twisted sensibilities about enemies they in fact WANT to make-

Then they acquited his beaters and the right-wing monied interests moved Officer Stacie Koonz outta town- like Furman- and it was like he'd won the Lottery or something- Childishly cretinish like: "Look what I can do!"

Like all the right-wing irresponsible hot-rodding gas guzzlers invariably are.
My god, I can't believe that white trash America keeps supporting them.

We just all want to keep putting those Callahan brake pads on for these guys, and replacing their gay-hating headlights. Yes Suh!

So I just picked this venue to tell of my experiences-


Life is what the morality plays become, but generally without the morality


