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Do i know you? Is it Possible? What type of good luck charm do you take those dudes for young man? How many people can you count on to make a pretzel? Does your brother carry a torch swinger? Which hamburger stand is your absolute favorite? Who are you speaking about in these movies? I guess you might be talking about those black polititacl leaders of late. Crispus Attucks, Hewey, Martin, Malcolm, Angela, Elijah and such. Sojourner and all those countless others who paved the way for your current lifestyle that is not so far fetched back. I see you all i just do not watch all these movies. those pants on the dudes show there bulge and we all know i like to look at that. Now about the toes. i do not know what happened to any of your feet men. I would not want you to have ugly toes. You can't hear me trying to make you look perfect from head to toe? Come on now fellas. I can not help you find your first lifetime parents and i do not want to either it will only make your ego swell more than it already has. i know there are countless other blaxplotation movies out there i do nto have to go on all the sites to get you all to see the light. They could have added the vegatation issue in any of those at any time. It is not that hard people. Grow more Grass,plants,trees,bushels,flowers and such the weeds that grow are needed to so you do not have to cut them or remove them anymore they make a nice addition to your input.
