
How does everyone feel about a remake? I think it would be very adept for this era because of the Iraqi War. Still keep it set in 1942 BUT have it stir emotion from this war. Maybe also have the boy be 18 so there is no Mary Kay Letourneau situation. Thoughts?


I doubt Herman Raucher would allow it. He retains the rights to the story; they wanted to re-make it in the late 1980s, but Raucher wouldn't give up the rights. So Warner Bros. made "Stealing Home" with Jodie Foster, instead. If you watch "Summer" and its sequal, "Class of 44," then watch "Stealing Home," the parallels will be obvious.


Why remake it? If it's good as is, and worth seeing, why redo it? I just don't get this compulsion Hollywood has to remake anything that was done right the first time. This movie is good, it holds up well (especially because it is a period piece even in 1971), the original. No need for a new one. Especially if the underage aspect would have to be all cleaned up and/or changed to make it palatable for a contemporary audience with a mindset predisposed to find it offensive. Just my two cents. I'm watching this on Tivo right now.



You are so right. When a movie is this good, you don't remake it. It is a classic....why mess with it? Almost no remake is ever as good as the original.


I also agree that there should be no remake. This is a very good film and no need to do it again. Even if they did remade the film..i would personally not want it associated with the Iraq war.


Remakes have been around since the beginning.


Even though, I'd hate it, I think a remake of this film is inevitable; however, as another poster mentioned, I think Herman Raucher, the author of the book and basis for Hermie, would fight it all the way. As for hypothetically casting a remake, how about Rachel Weisz as Dorothy and I'd have to get back to you on a Hermie.



Its Raucher's baby and is a part of his life and our life. So, Raucher's being right by not allowing a remake, and there shouldn't be one either. Today the quality of life has changed, the thread that binds the society has changed infact the whole fabric has changed. So, today's audiences fed with the ills of internet/cybersex, media onslaught, liberal open society will find it childish, kiddish and cartoonish. Anyway, can you even think of remakes of Love Story, Friends(1971), Melody (First of May...), Dr. Zhivago, Gone With The Wind, and recreate the musical scores as well of that standard and beauty?

By the way, this movie has the best tag line ever, period!!! And the second best would be Superman, The Movie's (You'll believe a man can fly)



Remake?? It was and is a classic. What's to remake? Perhaps, they should remake Gone With The Wind, The Lion In Winter, The Graduate, Camelot, The Sound Of Music, Apocalypse Now, etc. while they (whoever) are at it....and have it directed by Uwe Bol.


if the "boy" was 18,he wouldnt be a boy,he'd be a young man in love with a young woman,and the coming of age theme would no longer be valid..also,1942 was a different social atmosphere and the taboo of sex would no longer be an issue if set in 2006..some movies work because of the time and place they are set in..
movies with universal themes ,like romeo and juliet,can be re-made and re-set and still make its points..but i think the summer of 42 needs to stay in 42..
(i'm like you though, i love to theorize about re-makes and cast them with
modern actors)


Best thing Hollywood can do about this movie gem: don't touch it!

As for the Gulf War setting, well remember that the U.S. and its role in Iraq is not really a role model for many a people outside (and even inside) of the U.S. Why make the movie controversial by showing backdrop of something that is an aberration for many.

Let the war-mongers fight wars and let the art rest in peace....


Very well said!

"Summer of '42" is a precious jewel, unique at its time of release, unique today.

Nobody can remake a piece of art.


I can just imagine a remake in this day and age ( pointless to consider re-setting it in '42).

Benjie( in the sand-dunes ): Hey Hermie, cool phone.

Hermie: Shoosh! I'm texting Dorothy.

Oscy: Has she got her profile on Myspace?

No thanks!


You sir, if you are not already working for a movie production house (perhaps specializing in remakes of already good movies for quick cash), should avoid seeking a career in the movie production business. Seeing as it is already full of talentless, money worshipping, lazy, soul destroying, shameless hacks. Your particular ideas, while still offending the public at large who like old movies the way they are and don't want their memory tarnished by shoddy remakes, would also be looked down upon by the other no good talentless hacks out there.

If on the other hand you do already work for one of those production houses and are perhaps vetting your ideas with the public before recommending your production house buy up the rights to this film, then I dutifully suggest that you seek redemption by removing yourself from polite society by stranding yourself on a deserted island. Take some of your producer friends with you. Please, do everyone a favor.

For everyone else reading this poor, pathetic thread, do any of you notice that whenever you visit the page for a really good movie from a few decades ago, there is sure to be someone there asking everyone what they would think of a remake of this and who would you like to see cast in it and here is what I would change about it? Is IMDB being used by producers to vet ideas about easy to make remakes? Are we in fact helping them to put out substandard product based on well made movies, whose only crime was to have been made before the 14 to 25 year old crowd had a chance to see them? Will using the same script and adding todays special effects make up for the substandard acting that inevitably infests these remakes? I say that if these parasites who have taken over Hollywood cannot come up with ideas of their own then they should step down and hand the reigns of power in Hollywood to a new generation of film makers who are willing to take a chance instead of retreading older movies into mediocrity.

Anyone else contributing a cast call of recent actors in a sorry attempt to remake this film deserves a wakeup call consisting of a swift, solid kick in the posterior.



I don't think a "remake" is a very good idea. However, I LOVE the musical, which is nearly the exact same script (with music :P) and I think it would be great to make a movie of.
I think it's crazy for anyone to try and set "42" in any other time but 42, I mean, the spirit of the time period is half the point of the story.
The only problem with a remake is the "political correctness" of it. However, women got married very young back then, so I'm not entirely sure how big the age gap was.


I don't think the film is a masterpiece, but I wouldn't do a remake. I'm not crazy about the dialogue, but I like the look--and ambiance-- of the film very much. It probably can't be improved upon.

