Now rarely on TV

This movie used to be on TV quite frequently years ago and the music seemed to be everywhere. It has, however, been many, many years since I last saw it listed on TV. Does anyone feel that the theme has now become too "hot" for TV and that as a result it's being avoided?


I don't think people are as sentimental about the period anymore, except in the Saving Private Ryan sense. And I think that's a shame.

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


I have to agree with gnolti...people nowadays are not as sentimental about the 1950's much anymore. I don't believe Summer of 42 would interest the new generation of young folks....which is a shame.


You may be right. At one time an older woman seducing an under aged boy was considered a "right of passage". In recent years, it's become recognized as pedophilia.


You may be right. At one time an older woman seducing an under aged boy was considered a "right of passage". In recent years, it's become recognized as pedophilia.

Hebephilia, actually, not pedophilia. If he had been pre-pubescent, then yes, she would have been guilty of pedophilia. However, he was biologically an adult. Too many people in the modern era cannot differentiate between that distinction, which is unfortunate. And yes, if she did this today, she'd either be called 'Hot' (Bill Maher) or sick (pick your own busybody).


Thank you. It's amazing how stupid people have become with regards to language.


An older woman introducing a teenage boy to intimacy is a right of passage, and a wonderful one. Any boy who has such an experience is indeed lucky. Unfortunately, in recent years it's been foolishly (and illiterately) labeled "pedophilia". If you weren't fortunate enough to have been on the receiving end of such a lovely encounter, you really have no platform from which to preach.


You're right. TCM will air it once in a blue moon, but there almost seems to be a consensus (which I don't happen to share in) that this film hasn't aged as well as some others of its era, perhaps that it's a little too "sappy" for contemporary sensibilities.

Really, the most TV exposure it gets is when they show Kubrick's "The Shining". Remember that scene where Shelley Duvall is watching it on the TV set in the hotel?


I think it was overshadowed by 50's nostalgia within a few years ( Happy Days, et. al).


I haven't seen it on commercial (UHF for the most part) TV in ages. If you want to see it you have to go through TPL.


Does that even exist anymore?


We also have to consider that many films are seldom televised anymore because of their ready availability on VHS or DVD, another reason that classic TV shows have virtually disappeared even from stations such as TVland.

"Remind me to tell you about the time I looked into the heart of an artichoke."



Yes, it was on last night and I recorded it this time. I now have it on DVD.


Found UK listings.I saw it in 1983.Film like hundreds of others is simply forgotten about.Nothing more , nothing less .Nothing to do with subject matter or time period or anything else

Transmission date
Great Britain
Not available
Start time
Stop time
115 mins.
Channel 5

Transmission date
Great Britain
Sky Movies Screen 1

Transmission date
Great Britain

Transmission date
Great Britain

Hey Witchdoctor, give us the magic words.
ooh ee ooh ah ah, ting tang wallawallabingba


how did you find those listings and is there anyway that I could find them for the US. I am mostly interested in the late 80s/very early 90s since that was the first time I ever saw it. I believe that it was on HBO one night in 1990 or 1991(I remember that night like it was yesterday) and I watched it. To be honest I am surprised that I did. I was 14 in 1990 and it wasn't really the type of film that I would have been into at the time. Still, for some reason it stuck with me and I bought the DVD a few years ago. So, if you can point me to where I can find listings of the US airings that would be great. I would love to know exactly what day and year that that was. The time since that night went so fast...

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe...


A few months ago it was not available on DVD anymore unless you purchase it overseas. It is now on listed for $27.00 dollars. People nowadays see this film as inappropriate material for young "impressionable" viewers, and that is probably why it isn't seen much on television.

The Divine Genealogy Goddess


rfman45 says > Does anyone feel that the theme has now become too "hot" for TV and that as a result it's being avoided?
I'm surprised sometimes that we're still able to see these older movies and shows. There are people out there who try to white-wash things that have happened in our history. They don't like the fact that people related differently. It's ironic considering how the most offensive things are what can be seen in movies and shows today.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]


It might be true that people are not as sentimental about the period as they might have been when the film came out in 1971. But a good movie is a good movie. It wasn't a better film in 71 than it is now.


I don't think that this movie is viewed as a lesser film, but what needs to be considered is that since it came out, we've been bombarded with movies, and TV shows. So, in my opinion it has simply gotten lost in the mix (That happens with music too). Also, the younger generation has grown up on 20-30 years of super hero films, and as a result, many of them can't relate to anything else. They have also grown up on their cell phones, and as a result of that, human interaction, as it's portrayed in the film, is foreign to them.


I agree that the film has been forgotten a bit after being a huge hit in its day. It was a movie that supposedly played a lot on TV and then suddenly stopped. It's kinda strange, but as you say - it has gotten lost in the mix. There is certainly not one iota wrong with the quality of the film.

Yeah, the younger generation today is a lost cause. They might say the same thing every decade. Even in the 50's they called the kids rebels with their rock and roll music etc. I am a millennial myself and we got complaints, but damn this generation Z is both hopeless and clueless when it comes to culture, art and movies. Too bad really.


While the Summer of '42 film caught a lot of notoriety at the time and I'm sure some found it, um, penetrating, I'm not convinced it was ever thought of as actually a good, as in superior, movie. Good like Love Story, maybe, charming perhaps, but not that good as to transcend it's intentions.
I remember it as being sentimental fluff with a little titillation mixed in, but I wouldn't mind a re-watch if it came up, just for old time's sake.
