MovieChat Forums > Summer of '42 (1971) Discussion > Standing on the ladder....

Standing on the ladder....

Anyone know exactly what was happening in this scene? When I first saw it awhile ago I thought for sure he was giving Yul Brynner a high-five, but I saw it again and I'm not so sure.

The movie is great, but that scene always stood out as being really odd.


Hermie is getting an eyeful of his very favorite lady and at the same time he is feeling guilty of it most likely due to all the propoganda and indoctrination his parents and clergy might have given him all through his childhood that for some reason admiring a female when given an invited opportunity is naughty behaviour.

Hermie is experiencing a bourage of emotions at the same time, such as euphoria, feeling super-lucky, infatuation and guilt all at the same time. Imagine what all that's doing to Hermie's hormonal glands and his mind, it's somewhat of a state of shock he's experiencing.


That makes sense of course, but somehow it seems a little complex given the incidental nature of the scene, especially considering the way he tries to impress her with his "maturity".

I can buy the idea of him being hormonal and overexcited, but I honestly thought it was more along the lines of premature ejaculation.


"...I honestly thought it was more along the lines of premature ejaculation. "

... for the win.


I thought he was shooting a load in his drawers.


Not quite. The book explains that he was experiencing an erection and he didn't want her to see the bulge in his pants because it would have been embarrassing for both of them. Thats why he waited a minute before coming down from the ladder.


That makes perfect sense. Also, it's a good reason to wear briefs instead of boxers.
