condom buying scene

I'm finding the movie dated, slow and single tracked, but...
the condom sequence at the drug store was hysterical!


When I was buying my first pack of condoms in high school, I had this scene playing in my head.


The drug store scene is probably the most memorable scene in the movie for me. Every time the movie is on TV, I always catch it when it shows this scene. What Hermie goes through in that scene is probably what most teenage boys trying to buy condoms goes through in real life. (I was the same. lol) It's such a funny scene.


Obviously neither of you ever figured out that there are always condom machines in bowling alley restrooms. (On a side note- why the hell is that?)

No shame necessary!


In 1942?


You're not into following the thread, are you? ;-)

The last couple posts talked about it being embarrassing to buy condoms. When I was in High School, I used to just go to the bowling alley. Weird, but then I didn't risk seeing one of my parent's friends while buying condoms in Payless or something.


The only places that I saw them in restrooms, were in scummy restrooms. We joked about buying them there, but it was easy enough buying them at the store (out of town, though).



"need anything?"
"ice creme cone."
"what else?"
"uh, some sprinkles!"
"anything else?"
"oh, a napkin."
"is that all?"


I laughed my head of at this and thought the man who worked in the shop was funny


That was hilarious.


Now they give them away for free in schools. At least I hope they still do!


"Dated"--So what? It's about 1942, so it's supposed to look and sound like 1942, not like 2008. If it seems dated, then the film makers have succeeded at their job.

"Slow"--In 1971, they still made movies for grownups.

"Single-tracked"--whatever the hell that means. The plot is about something, and it follows that theme throughout the movie. Nothing wrong with that.
