do you think drew ever

Bangs the models? There was some huge revelations that directors, head writers, producers, and more famous actors using their clout to be able to bang the not so known actresses or stage hands. I mean casting couches are well known by anyone who is a big movie buff or follows hollywood so my question is do you think that this behavior happens in not only movies and written shows but shows like game shows too?

It wouldn't be hard to coerce a model if you were the head of the show. He'd just be like "listen, im the new host and they're trying to make me happy. If you help me out I can get you screen time and you'll actually speak (unlike they did in the barker era).

So what do you think? Am I crazy? Got too much time on my hands lol? Orrr maybe im on to something;)


I'm sure Amber has serviced Drew from time to time...


She stated, "He's no Bob Barker!".

Looking at the world, through amber colored glasses.
