A few questions

Like most, I loved this film, but I found a few problems with the narratives in the first half:

1) Right opening scene in which the expedition, there was a shot of like a cannon falling and firing, or something like that. I didn't quite get it. This one's sort of hard to describe, so answer only if you can. Here's the link to the first part in the film: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x12fej1_aguirre-the-wrath-of-god-1972 -pt-1_creation. It's around 4:40-4:45. Just completely out of place.

2) In the beginning, the raft got stuck in the eddy, and everybody got killed, except for two. I forgot who says this, but there were definitely two missing, and they never appeared again. What happened to them?

3) What was Aguirre's motive when he asked Perucho to destroy the raft? It seemed sort of random.

4) What ever happened to Armando, Ursua's right-hand man? He escaped from his cell and is never heard from again. Not the worst complaint in the world, but it still slightly bugged me.






I am momentarily decomposing. Come back later.


3) He was kind of crazy if you noticed, but in this case he didn't want them to get bogged down trying to retrieve the bodies.

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1. i figured they showed that shot to show how bad the terrain was, and how hard it was to bring the supplies without some stuff getting destroyed


1. It was to display how treacherous their journey was. Some slaves died, some chickens fell off a cliff and they lost a cannon.

2. The two oarmen (plus one other man) were missing. It was implied that the two natives weren't killed by those shooting darts and arrows. The expedition found an eaten body of a comrade at the burning camp, perhaps that was the fate of the final man from the raft?

3. The expedition was wasting time and resources trying to retreive the bodies for Christian burials. Destroying the raft destroyed the bodies.

4. Not every plot point needs a resolution. Much like the fair lady Rojo, Armando's fate remains unclear. Make your own interpretation of what happened to him.


2) In the beginning, the raft got stuck in the eddy, and everybody got killed, except for two. I forgot who says this, but there were definitely two missing, and they never appeared again. What happened to them?

They made their way to America and got killed in a shootout with Billy the Kid.

It's all explained in Aguirre II bro.



The two oar men who disappeared were natives who had been made into slaves, right? Someone mentioned that they had been chained to the oars. I assume they were rescued & all the Spaniards killed.
