It'll be on TCM Saturday, December 22, 2012 at 4:00am EST (78 min)


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I figure that the sooner people know the better. I was THRILLED to see such a great double-feature planned for TCM UNDERGROUND when I got my December TCM "Now Playing" guide in the mail a couple of weeks back; Dec 21st; 2am- "CRUMB" (1994)/4am- "Fritz the Cat" (1972) I am a huge fan of animation (esp."Adult" animation), and R.Crumb's where it all began. Anyway, "Crumb" is still scheduled, and I personally found it to be an incredible documentary, so If you havn't seen it I recommend setting your DVR's/VHS recorders. By the way the replacement for Fritz the Cat is a documentary called Antonio Gaudi(1985)Directed by Hiroshi Teshigahara. It has some good reviews, and Teshigahara has made such masterpieces as "Pitfall", "The Woman of the Dunes" & "The Face of Another". I REALLY HOPE that Fritz the Cat shows up on TCM eventually. Does anyone have any idea why TCM could't air "Fritz the Cat"? copyright issues possibly?

-----Don't Shoot the messenger!
Gary ("Fluff")

PS. Just so I don't confuse anyone; the original post stated the scheduled date as Sat. Dec.22nd at 4am. That is Technically the correct date and time. I listed it as playing on Fri night (Dec. 21st), because I consider the early AM's (between Midnight and 5-6am)the same night, as does TCM. If just confused you more, I'm sorry but you're on your own, look it on TCM's website if your still in doubt.....

Do you remember the spell?
Asa Nisi Masa... Asa Nisi Masa... sh!
