MovieChat Forums > Fritz the Cat (1972) Discussion > I just had a memory lapse... I was about...

I just had a memory lapse... I was about 15...

This was on T.V.. and I saw some guy with a wrench fixing his bike with a fat cow as a girlfriend... then he was slapping her whenever she touched a part of the bike or something.

Then they went to this nazi underground meeting with this green lizard thing, then they beat the hell out of the cow and Fritz was consoling her, then they go to blow it up and I think I remember someone saying "Goodbye Fritz" or something.. now the really weird part:

He's in the hospital bed and he says "there's one thing I've learned..." then he starts plowing the hell in a threesome with all three pig girls that had visited him?

Funny I remember all this and it happened 4 years ago. Weird.

They still have 2/3 branches of the government working for them, and that ain't bad.


What Channel was it on?


Probably Bravo.

You know what I haven't had in a while? Big League Chew.


I hope it comes on TV again sometime soon, I really want to see it.


Was it this movie or another one similar? I believe I've seen that movie too but I don't remember the name of it. After doing some research I came here hoping it Fritz was the movie but I seem to remember the cat looking shaggier and dirtier. I'll have to find Fritz on video somewhere to check it out.



I noticed many characters didn't have names. That, or they weren't mentioned that often or very clearly.

"The biker was Blue, the rabbit,"

Now THAT guy was a psychotic.


what are you talking about? this movie wasn't on tv where i live, I have to go to the library and rent this movie.


That's definitely this movie. I remember it well.


The whole film's on YouTube if you want to see it.
