looking for a cartoon ?

i remember watching a cartoon when i was young, it was more appropriate for Adults, i just can not remember the name,
It was about a Mouse who was a cop or special agent who tries exposing a Cat's mafia, i remeber there were guns and cars, and at the end the cat mobsters make a party with one female cat sings, Doesn anyone knows it ? whats the name ? i hope someone knows this cartoon, i tried searching with all kind of key words searches but with no luck, i just hope someone knows it ? please help ?


Yeah, i forgot to tell you, i don't mean Danger mouse !! its something else and probably it was a movie rather than a series although im not really sure, please help !!!!


I think you're thinking of Cat City. That's a hungarian cartoon movie. I haven't seen it, but I came across it on here once and I'm pretty sure that's the one that you're talking about.



That was fast, thanks alot buddy, it is the one i was looking for, I used to own the english dubbed version of it long time ago on video ( betamax ) the smaller tapes than VHS which are extinct now, the only problem is i don't think ill find this on DVD with english dubs,
Thanks again budyy !


Someone on the boards for that movie said that there's an english dub available somewhere. It might take a bit to search for, but it's out there.



cat city dude.
