MovieChat Forums > Fritz the Cat (1972) Discussion > How does this movie amuse people?

How does this movie amuse people?

This movie is sick, because animals having sex. That is is just plain wrong.



Umm... No




"This movie is sick, because animals having sex. That is is just plain wrong."

But animals have sex in *GASP* REAL LIFE!

My DVD Collection:









"Yes, but I hope that we do not become so obsessed with tolerance that we begin to tolerate farmers with their dicks jammed inside the a$$h0les of their cattle."

What do you call a man with a thousand wives?


A Shepherd!


Oh please. It's an animated film -- it's not like it's hardcore beastiality porn.

Besides, I've seen weirder stuff in freakin Spongebob. *shudder* There's something disgustingly phallic about that nose.


Would cartoon humans shagging make you feel any better mate? I didn't find it offensive one bit.....well i didn't like the bit with the dog killing the chickens with a 2x4 but you know, its all about taking the rough with the smooth ain't it. Don't expect to see Jungle book here.


The point of the film is not animals having sex! The animals were simply satirical versions of people. The cops were represented by pigs and Fritz had an appair with a black crow who was depicting an African-American. The movie was politically incorrect, but the fact that the characters were animals was simply a metaphor for different societies of people. The animals wore clothes, walked on two legs and the females had human-style breasts. Don't take things so literal!


Well said Jay!

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Wolf


Here's somebody who has completely missed the point of this movie, and only takes it at surface value.

"Shemp is 'hemp' spelled backwards."
"And Otto is Otto backwards!"
"...Now I'm scared..."


The movie is supposed to offend you, if it's offended you, it's done its job. Anyway most modern day furries are a lot sicker than Bakshi or anyone else involved with this film.


The movie amuses me because some of the quotes are funny, but that's about it for me.

"Why does a great actor like James Earl Jones always have to play black men?" Very funny in my opinion.


Because it's an interesting take on my favorite era in history?

They mostly come at night... Mostly...

