Very overrated

Okay, it's a nice family movie. Aside from that, there is not even one outstanding performance, and to quite honest, I think the storyline is very boring. It is beyond me to understand how it got the nominations it did.
Mountain Man


If you don't see the greatness of this movie than that's your problem. There's so much strength in the performance of Paul Winfield and warmth in he performance of Cicely Tyson. Two outstanding performances imo.


prettyD I agree with you. Those performances were so natural and powerful you felt like you were there living along with them. I was a child when this movie was released and watching it now brings back memories of my early love of this film. I never read the book.

Increase the Peace -release endorphins :^D


I think you have to think of the time period in which it was released. Yes, if this movie were released today it would not be considered a good movie. But this movie came out almost 40 years ago. And it's significant because of the way the characters are portrayed. It would have been easy to be more demeaning in the depiction of this family but the way they were shown loving each other and working together despite their situation was very endearing.

I only saw this recently. I don't remember if I saw it as a child or not. But I'm glad I watched it. And it was very interesting to learn that Kevin Hooks (David) went on to become a director.


I recall reading (or seeing) the book when I was in public school. I don't think I read it or else I would better remember the touching story.

I've seen the movie on TCM and it's so poignant and lovely.

'This isn't a smile. It's the lid on a scream.' - Bet Lynch, Coronation Street


The movie's quality has nothing to do with its release date, but its popularity might. It's a great movie and may yet be rediscovered when current crazes subside.

Please put some dashes above your sig line so I won't think it's part of your dumb post.



Have you no soul?

This is one of the most poignant, sad portrayals of how rural blacks were treated during the Depression, and the desperation and bone-crushhing drudgery it took for black families to survive against mind-numbing prejudice and zero opportunities to earn a living wage. This movie is very depressing on many levels, but the closeness & the strength the characters got from the famiy is truly moving. The actors were amazing and duly honored for their work.


"...not even one outstanding performance" -- If you do not see the outstanding quality of Paul Winfield's and especially Cicely Tyson's performances, then I'm afraid you are blind to what a good performance actually is.


Okay, it's a nice family movie. Aside from that, there is not even one outstanding performance, and to quite honest, I think the storyline is very boring. It is beyond me to understand how it got the nominations it did.
100% agreed. Cicely Tyson didn't do a damn thing in this movie. I cannot understand why she even won any critics' awards for this performance. But then again, 1972 was a weak year for female performances. Also, the acting from most of the children in this movie was absolutely dreadful. The schoolhouse scenes are cringe-worthy. Overall, this is a very boring and highly overrated movie.


Chariots of Fire was a crashing bore.

Sounder is not an action film, but a saga of struggle, poverty and racism.


Didn't you care about the characters? If you didn't I can see why you think the story is 'very boring'.



A 7.7 with less than 3000 votes on IMDb, it's never mentioned on any "best of" lists, won 0 Oscars and 0 Golden Globes. It's actually underrated.
