MovieChat Forums > American Graffiti (1973) Discussion > Saw it when I was 13 and changed my life

Saw it when I was 13 and changed my life

Born in 1977, and after first time I watched it, it just changed my 13 year-old life...I SO wanted to do all those things...and to an extent, we did. We cruised in our cars, probably the last generation to really do so around here. And that's kinda sad. Sure, it wasn't like 1962 California but around here, it died out after generations did the same. Wasting fossil fuels, looking for girls. Anyhow, I'm not ashamed to admit the impact it had on me and a few friends. Sadly, we grew apart, a few died...and cruising def. died. I hope in some way it lives on, somewhere. Just had to say that. Anyone else watch it and become enamored with it?

P.s. Alas, I was born to late lol


Me too. I was also born in 77. I think I saw it for the first time when I was around 10 or so. And it influenced me too. In a big way. Cruising was pretty big when I was in high school. Drag racing was pretty big too, we all wanted to have the fastest cars. It was a lot like American Graffiti, same things, just a different time. When I look back at those days they look more and more like what generations did before us.

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Yea, we would race on an old Highway a lot, sometimes there would be some fast cars, couple trailered cars, etc..I think all that has died out. And that had been going on for years/generations. Sadly, all those things we did, the kids before us did...but that just died out. Still going on in your area ??

P.S. We all had muscle cars, Mustangs, V8 trucks, etc..even a couple tricked out VW bugs... No Hondas with fart can mufflers that sounded awful. That came later. Although , there are fast Imports the kids around here were just clowns with Accords and mufflers.

"Daddy, would you like some sausage?" - Tom Green, "Freddy Got Fingered" 9/10


Yeah, none of us would be caught dead in Hondas, etc. I had an 86 Firebird, but they used all kinds of muscle cars. Honestly I don't know if it's still big or not. I moved to KY about 10 years ago, don't really keep track of what's popular back home anymore. I don't think it's a thing here though. Kind of a shame.

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I guess I'd venture to say that "era" has pretty much died out everywhere. Maybe that would be a good movie or documentary. At least we lived it so we were kinda lucky. Cruising around, hanging out at certain spots, heading off to an impromptu race at midnight. I can honestly say those were some great times and I'm not one to harp on the past too much but the Summer of '95 was one of the best of my life. So long much has changed. I'm be honest, drinking and driving wasn't that big of a deal back then, almost everyone that drank did it and the cops turned somewhat of a blind eye to it to a degree. A few weren't gonna be hypocrites and if you just had a beer or two or had a case in the backseat it wasn't the end of the world. Now...these kids don't have a chance but then again they're not into drinking just drugs now. Which is worse I dunno and would be a whole other subject.

"Daddy, would you like some sausage?" - Tom Green, "Freddy Got Fingered" 9/10


I'd love to see a documentary about it. "Cruising through the Decades". When it started, the generations that did it, the end of the culture.

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