MovieChat Forums > Battle for the Planet of the Apes (1973) Discussion > Who else would have preferred the loop?

Who else would have preferred the loop?

I don't know if "the loop" is the corrent termonology when we're talking about time; by "loop" I mean having it all end up the way it was in the beginning...having all of the effort to prevent it end up being what caused it all in the first place.

I didn't mind it ending this way, but I was waiting throughout the entire final 3 movies to find out how all of this lead to the way Ape City was in the 1st movie. Thinking: "How in the world are they going to end up in New York?" "When are the orangutans going to become the leaders?" "Is THIS going to be the orangutan who overthrows Caesar!?"


I actually like the idea of a time loop just fine, but the fourth movie really messed that up by having apes become intelligent and rebel under the wrong ape all within twenty years. Conquest established the new time line, and Battle compounded it. I actually don't mind the alternate time line idea either, but the way it was executed was lazy...a missed opportunity.

As far as New York, NOTHING in Conquest tells us the location of the events. Armando's circus was a traveling circus and there is nothing to support the idea that the last two films took place on the west coast.

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Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


I actually like the idea of a time loop just fine, but the fourth movie really messed that up by having apes become intelligent and rebel under the wrong ape all within twenty years. Conquest established the new time line, and Battle compounded it. I actually don't mind the alternate time line idea either, but the way it was executed was lazy...a missed opportunity.

That's how I feel. It wouldn't have been a problem to follow the same set of circumstances as originally forecast in The Sacred Scrolls of PLANET. However, the story of CONQUEST then created an entirely different scenario with new characters, and it was now a new timeline. Which, as it turns out, worked out conveniently because you'll note we did not have Apes in 1973, 1991, nor the 2000s!


In Battle, they say that the Forbidden City is San Francisco.


I don't recall a city being mentioned. We have to assume its NYC because that's where Mendez' lineage resided on Beneath (along with the bomb).


Erm..,.no it doesn't.

It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


I don't recall them mentioning San Francisco in BATTLE. It makes no difference to me whether it was NYC or SF, but if it was California it would mean that the mutants would have to move and transfer their bomb from the West Coast to the East Coast by the time of BENEATH*

*(Unless, of course, the new altered Caesar timeline now will have those future mutants living in California instead of New York). ;)



It wasnt me, it was the other three. Hang them!


I never understood some people's insistance that just because Escape occurred in California that the rest of the series has to take place there also.



Conquest took place in the old grounds of Century Mall in Los Angeles. And Battle takes place like 15 years later. Los Angeles is in California
