Age 1st seen/age now

It seems like there is a definite demographic for people most affected by this movie. Just curious to see if that's true. I saw the original telecast in '73 and was 10 at the time, obviously now 44...curious what others were/are.


I was about 5 or 6. I saw it a few years after it first aired...37 now. It gave me nightmares for a while and forced me to peek out at the bathroom floor every few minutes while in the shower. I bought a copy of it about 10 years ago. While watching it, I understood exactly why it terrified me as a child, but it was actually somewhat comforting rather than scary this time around.

Did anyone else grow up being the only one their friends that ever saw it? In my entire life I have only met about 30 people who heard of this movie.


I remember seeing it on TV watching it on a Saturday afternoon(most Likely) on Chiller Theatre (a six fingered hand sinks slowly into quicksand, for anyone in my area who may remmeber that)or Elvira(or both as I saw it several times in my youth). Must have been somewhere around 10-12 years old as my mon loved horror movies also, so she got me hooked early. I was seeing R by the time I was 15.

I'm 40 now, and this movie has always stuck with me as being a creepy movie. I really hope any planned remake does this film justice, or there will be blood spilled!

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Chiller Theatre (a six fingered hand sinks slowly into quicksand, for anyone in my area who may remmeber that)

Here you go buddy

What Baseball card flipping,banana seat riding,horror obsessed American boy from the 60's and 70's doesn't remember Chiller Theatre!


Thanks. what a real blast from the past. Just sent the link to my mom, she'll get a kick out of it too.

Welcome to the Dark Side...we have Cookies!


I saw this movie when it premiered on ABC TV in 73'. I was 12 at the time. I watched this movie everytime I came across it on TV (if it wasn't on too late which it usually was). I don't remember ever catching it in the afternoon or on 'Chiller Theater". Yeah, I remember the opening of 'Chiller Theater'! That 6 fingered hand and rotted tree! But it was that spooky music and creepy voice that said "chillerrrrrr" that played as the hand descended into the quicksand that gave me nightmares as a kid. I'd get scared everytime I'd think of that music. Lol!!!! I also remember watching 'Creature Features' at noon every Saturday in NY hosted by 'The Creep'. Anyone remember that show? Cheers!!!!


I was 16 when I saw it, 51 now. I've never forgotten this movie.


I'm not totally sure but I think I first watched this by the time I was 8. I'm 45 now and still recall it.

What evil drives the Car?


I was I’m 50 and this scared the shit outta me.

Slept with a flashlight the rest of that year.


I was 7 when I saw it and I am now 53. Actually this movie didn't scare me too much. However, there was a movie called Trilogy of Terror where that evil warrior doll came to life. To this day I can't stand gnomes or anything like that. :)
