It still holds up

I never saw this one as a kid like most people here seemed to of. But I did watch it as an adult and I have to say it is a great horror film. Of course the acting is a little dated but that's expected from an old film. But it had a very creepy atmosphere and an eerie score. The little demons were very cool and creepy looking too. And I don't say this about many older horror films. Don't get me wrong I love the classics (Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby etc) but I am normally very put off by dated or corny acting. Not with this film. The story and overall creepiness of the film completely made up for it.
I gave it a 9/10


I actually like older films a lot. The '70s are the best decade ever for horror films in my opinion. But unfortunately I wasn't around to be able to witness them so I wasn't able to see most of my movies when they were new. But anyways, I think this movie is pretty good as well. It's a little short so everything seems like it happens so quickly, but that's to be expected from a made-for-TV movie I suppose. Anyways I think this is a fun monster movie that all horror fans should be able to like.

Burn, witch! Burn, witch! Burn! Burn! Burn!


I loved the spooky atmosphere and creepy diminutive creatures as well as the overall ambiguity evident throughout. You're never quite sure what the creatures exactly want from Sally right up until the end.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find



I agree. Many of the old school horrors hold up well, even with some dated fx. It's about the suspense and atmosphere.


Yeah, still a great film.
