MovieChat Forums > Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (1973) Discussion > Wrong people reviewing this film!

Wrong people reviewing this film!

This film used to be rated 7.4/7.5 and now we're down to 6.9. I mean, 6.9 is respectable and all that but hardly does this film justice. All I can assume is that the remake has motivated a bunch of kids to check out the original which has sent the rating plummeting. This is one of those films where you really had to be there and live through to properly get it. I saw it again in recent years and it is a product of its time, but for its intended audience at that time then there wasn't a more terrifying experience. So come on kids, show this old classic some respect.


Logsn, you're absolutely right. I think that's exactly what's happening. This was a well made(budget wise), extremely effective little film that hit the right nerve at the right time. I love the classic black & whites, and I am well aware that these films are a product of THIER time. "From Here To Eternity" was one I was not impressed with(aside from Borgnine & Sinatra), but absolutely respect it's influence.


This movie shouldn't be judged by modern-day standards. I wasn't alive when it was released, and I saw it for the first time a couple of months ago. I can imagine that it would have been a very scary movie for a whole generation of young children.

I think that this movie is getting low ratings from some people because they really enjoyed the remake. Every time a remake is released, the "competition" (IMDb ratings for the original and the remake) begins. I suspect that those who love the remake will bash the original. Those who love the original will probably bash the remake. Just my suspicions....

Anyhow, I loved the "eye candy" in this movie. :)


Ellery Queen(Jim Hutton) = G E O R G E O U S!

"Is that all that's left of Harry?"


My mom used to tell me how movies like the original "Frankenstein" and even "King Kong" scared the crap out of people at the time. She was 10 when Kong came out, and wanted to go with her aunt , and her mom told her no way! She never saw it until they started showing it on TV years later. Of course she thought her mom did the right thing. It was also the depression, and they didn't have squat.


Yes, but remake is not that great. It relies too much on CGI and FX. Lack of money helped original a lot, because writer and director were forced to be more creative, adding more of mood\atmosphere into the story, rather then "eye candy" scenes (like remake did).

Ps. speakin' of original, ending was kinda dark, considering it's early '70s TV movie.


By "eye candy" scenes, I was talking about Jim Hutton, not about CGI and things like that. I was talking about the all-too-brief scene where Jim has his shirt unbuttoned.

Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER


Should only be reviewed by peeps with jowls dragging the floor and those who need bicycle clips to mow the lawn.

To understand is the opposite of existing.


well, it's getting more attention due to the remake. A lot of people don't like those... well, frankly, bad special effects, even if the movie itself is good.



Well, I gave it a 9/10. The only reason it didn't get a 10 is because it was too short. It's very rare that I don't want a movie to be over, but I was disappointed when this one ended because it was so good. And today was my first time seeing it so I guess I didn't have to be there and live through it to get the film because I loved it.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.



"This is one of those films where you had to live through and be there to properly get it"

Wow were actually there and lived through this?!
We're the little monsters as scary as they looked?
When they called to you at night that must have been scary. In the end, did you join them or fight them?

Personally I'm glad I didn't live through something like that... Sounds horrible
But I guess if I did I would give the film a higher rating
