Extended ending?

I saw this movie on TV a couple of years after its original broadcast in '73, and my mother (who watched it with me) told me that when she'd seen it the first time there had been more to the ending. She said that the first airing showed another scene where the husband had developed the film and was looking at the pictures she'd taken (from the final encounter, where she was snapping pics so the flash would scare the creatures).

Does anyone else remember seeing this? It wasn't like my mother to mis-remember things, but I just can't find anything to verify the existence of the ending she remembered seeing.


My parents told me about this film when I was a kid and I got hold of a copy finally to watch yesterday (thanks to Warner Bros archives as a non-US resident I wasn't able to pay for and DL a copy, so had to go else where..nice one WB) and my folks had always described the ending as you mentioned as well, which after viewing the film last night wasn't present. I thought it would have made a better ending with a scene like that tagged on, and to have kept up the husband not believing her right to the end.


Warner edition must be edited. I have a pirated copy I bought off ebay a few years ago. It has the flash bulb scene you're describing.


Warner edition must be edited. I have a pirated copy I bought off ebay a few years ago. It has the flash bulb scene you're describing.

Flash bulb scene where she takes the pictures, yes. Additional scene where the husband develops the pictures and sees proof of the homunculi, no.

§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§


I remember the original movie. The film was never shown to be developed.


Regarding memories, it's not our own memories being questioned over a long period of time, it's those of the ol' parental units, and from shortly after airing.

And don't you think it's odd that now two people have reported that said parents spoke of the same exact extended ending?

I think I'll keep an open mind on this subject until someone's able to get the skinny from someone involved with the film. I wonder if the director's still around? Think I'll look into that.


I too saw it in 73, but I don't recall anything like that. On subsequent re-viewings over the years, I and friends have speculated that the pictures she snapped could have been developed and seen as proof. Memory does funny things, especially when one hasn't seen in years something one watched when one was much younger. I've had instances where I've "interpolated" my memories of a show with material from another show. I've talked to people who swear there was an ending episode to Lost in Space where they got back to Earth.

§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§


You haven't found anything because the "developing" scene DID NOT happen.Although i was only 8 when i saw it on it's original broadcast in '73, the film was and is burned into my psyche. Your mom is most likely confusing it with another film.


The husband(and friend) break the glass of the door. As they enter the house, Sally lets out a blood curdling scream. They run to the study. The husband calls out for Sally as he sticks his head through the ashe door searching around with the flashlight. Upon realising he is too late, he drops the flashlight. The camera pans the exterior of the house as we hear Sally and her new cohort wispering nasty things.....THE END




Yup, correct. I'm old enough to remember the movie constantly being aired on Saturday and Sunday afternoons in the mid 70's. No developement scene, and no alternate ending.
