Remake is not necessary... :(

Nice to see others are currently intrested in this movie... ;)

A remake isnt necessary because the movie is perfectly setup for a part 2. So why remake it?

1, in 1953 (20 years earlier) the Fuzzy Imps were freed from the fireplace. Then they took Sally's Grandfather into the abyss. (I personaly think he never survived the encounter) So reopening the fireplace in 2008 for a third time could make a better movie.

It seems that we are assuming the fireplace leads to an abyss or a protal to another world from the ash door. The best part is at the ending when Sally's husband deeply looks for Sally with a flashlight and when it seems like there is no hope. He drops the flashlight. It seems like a long drop!

I personly think the fireplace never had a bottom. Sadly though the movie never talked about the fireplace not having a bottom, so we are left to assumed this from watching the movie and the angle we could see the characters when they are looking thru the ash door.

Logicly we could be looking thru an ash trap. Which was used to store the fireplace ashes. But I would question the size of the ash trap since it seem to take the entire bottom of the fireplace.

2, Sally was the true target in the movie. I really think they needed her body for something. And now the something has taken control of her body. I dont think she was converted into the imps because her voice didnt sound similar to them, as well as she seemed to be in control and/or leading the imps. A role that the imps seemed to welcome.

3, What are these Fuzzy Imps? Fuzzy Imps. (At least it seems)

Ok, what do we know about them?

They cannot go thru walls - (bricked fireplace prison and the need for the key to open the study door)

They need tools - (paper, hanger, Razor, Screwdriver, Rope, sleeping pills)

They have a sence of knowladge - (Knows the use of Sleeping Pills, turn off a phone and how to take out electricty)

Light hurts (could kill) - (Best idea of lethal damage from the light was in the bathroom as one of the fuzzy imps needed to be drag out of the light for safety)

The Imps has personal desires - (one imp really wanted to scare Sally, and was told not to harm her)

They needed Sally alone - (Couldnt do anything till her girlfriend was outside)

They are weak - (It took 3 to drag Sally to the Study.)[Oddly that could indicate how strong thay are since thay are 1 (or 1 1/2) foot tall creatures and Sally was over 5 feet tall and weigh about 110 to 120 pounds.]

They have a long life span - (Ending of the story gives you an idea that Sally and the Imps could wait a long, long time)

Odd thing about the imps that I cannot figure is the ability to hide in the Bathroom Cabinet when Sally opens the door, but is still there. When Sally turns off the lights you see an imp exiting the cabinet.

** Does anybody know where the house is? Or where does the movie take place? I think the house is located in California but the story kind of implies that the couple lives near a big city where its best to live in an apartment. Somehow I'm getting the feeling that the husband works in New York, and the house is supose to be in the Boston Area. As well as the house was supose to be around 1850's, and the Husband needed to take a flight to California. Does anybody have any idea where the story takes place.

**** Somehow I feel that this story was an epsode to the Ghost Story series (1972-1973) but instead of shelving it they fatten the movie a little to make it a made for TV movie. I think the story was still short 70-80 mins long.


It's being remade because no one has an imaginative, original bone in their body....argh.

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Guillermo del Toro has no problem killing off the kid that you have gotten to like through out the story. He has certainly done it before.


Dear Liner:

I have been obsessed with the movie since my childhood and have visited the original mansion- Newhall Mansion, located in Piru CA.


Hi thanks for this very interesting read nothing will be better than the original film :)

¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ ¸¸.·¨¯`·.


I agree it is a shame they are changing the story in this way, (making Sally a child), so, I guess I will just look at it more like a movie that was inspired by the original, and try not to compare it. I really like Guy Pearce, and enjoy watching how he interprets a character, (loved him in The Proposition, Mementos Ravenous to name just a few), so that's a plus.

I'm am excited about a remake, BECAUSE I am hoping that when it goes to DVD, they will have some special features on it, like a documentary on the original movie and interviews with some of the original cast and crew. I have no idea if the writers are still alive and original director but wouldn't that be cool to hear from them and what they were actually thinking when this movie and script was being brought to life? I also think it would be so cool to see interviews with fans like us! Get feed back on a live interview, on how it impacted those of us who were kids in the 70's and even adults, and saw it back when it first aired.

A sequel would be cool too! Oh, and I agree, there isn't much creativity being allowed to come out of Hollywood these days. It's so sad. I was thinking how there are no more made for TV movies. It's all reality crap. There are some made for cable movies, but none for regular television stations any more, and there were so many great ones back in the day.


i saw this movie when i was something like 9. (im 45 now) i only saw it once but it stayed with me as the scariest film i have ever seen, and im a horror fan. i wish i could find it somewhere, but havent had any success. i think what scared me about this was that it was so dark and creepy. i dont like remakes, i get pissed whenever i see another one come out, or a hollywood version of a superior foreign film.
that said, im excited about this one for one reason: that guillermo del toro is associated with it! this guy can pull off creepy like no other. i cant wait to see the house in the movie.

RAY!! ya take that diaper off yer head and ya put it back onto yer sister!


I hope he can pull it off, because they already screwed with the story by making a little girl the protagonist, which has me a little pissed.

Keep my finger crossed.



I know Stullyo I hear your pain ! And the more I think about how people feel about watching movies today , I almost see no way around the fact that they have to make Sally a little girl (which will not make it any better ) . I say this because If Sally was a woman of today she would be viewed as very Weak and dependent woman who got punked by some little weak ass Demons (who are very scary Mind you) But little enough to pick up or kick the *beep* out of and she couldn't get the job done . Where as a little girl is more intimidated by things of that nature ( I would imagine).


Well, the trailer for the remake is out, and it consists of cliches!


I agree that this is one of the scariest movies I saw when I was younger. I could never find it on DVD. Wish it would come out, I would like to watch it again.

These little demons always reminded me of the monk like creatures in PHANTASM.


whatever to ALL of YOU! everyone is saying it is being remade because you don't check your facts.. Nigel isn't even credited in the new Don't Be Afraid of the Dark because Guillermo del Toro was just INSPIRED by the original but he actually wrote a completely new story using the same basic idea with characters that have completely different motivations.. so chill out! It's not like this was a perfect film either way..


Re-makes don't HURT the original movie, but they are tiresome, they rarely capture the spirit of the original, and I'd almost always prefer they do something new and creative instead.

However, you certainly can't accuse Guillermo del Toro of not being creative and original. It MIGHT be like when the British Invasion bands starting covering old American blues music. Not only did they manage to do something new with the original material, but they also really re-introduced all the old blues classics to a new audience. Guilermo might very well pull off the former and the latter has already happened--the original finally got a decent DVD release!


This was a made for TV movie from 1973, it has just recently become available on DVD through the Warner archive project, it is not shown regularly on TV now and most folks born after the 70s don't know it was a remake and have never heard of it to begin with, so why not give it a big scree treatment?


Give the rmake a chance i think its trailer looks brilliant. Del Toro is a really creative guy and he is perfect for this remake. Not all remakes suck the Texas Chainsaw remake was pretty good and the Amityville Horror remake was much better than the original.


I love the original, but I'll happily watch the remake. It might be good...maybe...Hell, it's a free country, (unless you don't live in a free country, in which case you probably can't see this anyway)


release date was postponed, hopefully it never comes out or goes stv. Haha.


Guillermo del Toro is highly likely to be the best person for the job. His earlier work such as Devils Backbone was outstanding and very creepy. He has no problems with the often taboo of killing children in his films so an 8 year old getting took away by imps is hardly gonna be worrying for him. I cant wait to see what the imps will look like considering Guillermo del Toro's incredible imagination.
