Only two priests?

The church sent a priest with faith issues and trauma over his mother's recent death and an experienced but very old priest with a heart condition. Why wasn't there at least a "B" team to take over while they rested? Also, should have been some background priests/nuns in the room praying. They sanctioned it, so they must feel it is real and it seems a bit irresponsible to only send two guys in.


Perhaps Father Merrin was keeping his condition secret so that he would still be allowed to perform Exorcisms?


But it was known by the Church that Merrin's exorcism in Africa "damn near killed him".


So? It was not known if that had left any lingering effects or had debilitated him permanently. There's no reason to think he hadn't made a full recovery and was the absolute best exorcist ever.


"Why wasn't there at least a "B" team to take over while they rested? Also, should have been some background priests/nuns in the room praying."

They're not Special Forces.

Karras was confronted by Chris MacNeil to help Regan with an Exorcism. Marrin was the Expert and had to be called in as Karras was not experienced. They were two interested parties. I believe Chris wanted to keep it low key. The Church probably felt the same.
