Worst edit ever?

Don't get me wrong I'm not talking about the context of the film but the editting alone. Did you feel that it was really sloppy? Also the sound was strange too.
I don't think that it is a matter of technical difficulties because of the era that the film was made. Same age or older films are way better than Mean Streets on the issue of editting and sound.



It felt kinda heavy, I agree.
The Third Man for instance felt way more polished


It was super independent. Back then, unless you had a studio backing the entire film, you had to cut corners. Especially being that the soundtrack took up half of the films budget.

I 100% agree, more with the sound than the edit, you can tell they weren't mic'd up. It was probably a bad boom mic and the voiceover wasn't always a good match. I've always noticed it but the style and story are strong enough to keep the film together


Disagree. I can't criticize anything about this film. As far as I'm concerned, it's Scorsese's greatest masterpiece.


The worst edit ever is in Poltergeist.

2 of them, in fact.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


That's how Scorsese's earlier films were... independent to the max. I don't find either of these things problematic, though. To me, the unpolished editing and even the less than perfect sound are part of the film's charm (it's all about its rawness anyway). And no, it's faaaaaaar from the worst.

You want something corny? You got it!



There was a jump cut or two that were a little distracting but overall I thought it was not too badly edited.
