MovieChat Forums > Mean Streets (1973) Discussion > Scenes where you cracked up...

Scenes where you cracked up...

1. Where did you get the money to pay for these drinks?What...What...What...What...What....What.
2. Just casually walk down the street, throw a cracker into a US mail box and jump along and run away.
3. I want the girl to the left. Wait, my left or yours? We're both standing in the same direction.
4. Spot the cub, run quickly and climb up.
5. Jump on to the pool table and begin kicking the *beep* out of the others.
6. What are you counting the money for? Yeah, go ahead and count the money.
7. Johnny is on the roof. Firing at the Empire State Building.
8. Spreads out the handkerchief neatly on the grave to relax. So that the suit is not ruined.
9. Pulls out the gun and begins abusing Tony. I've got only a few dollars. 30 to 40 dollars for a 3000 dollar loan. Hehehe...
10. They're German lenses. No...They're Jap. Jap adaptors. You just bought two containers of Jap adaptors. Don't miss the look on Michael's face.

DeNiro's funniest side ever. Wish the Academy gets over dramatic roles. Such roles are difficult too.


I hate that feast with a vengeance! With a PASH-on!


The fight scene was so ridiculously awkward, but I think it might actually be one of the most realistic fights on celluloid.

My top 250:


I think so too...On the realistic part.


Cool. It reminds me actually of footage of chimps fighting: there's a lot of commotion and display, but not that much lethal violence.

My top 250:


Each thug wanting to display their power. Lol...Funny.


Don't know why but I laughed on the bit when johnny boy and tony are about to fight and then michael just goes " hey guys stop it we're friends


Johnny Boy's dance at the end. The mook just got himself into serious trouble, yet here he is having some fun and not giving a single fvck about anything. But yes, basically every scene with Johnny Boy is a riot.

Hey there, Johnny Boy, I hope you fry!


Definitely had a few scenes that were comical. When a random stand in spits and another stand in says, " ay, ya spit on my shoe!"..


I laughed at Johnny and Charlie's random fight in the street with the bins and bin lids. Reminds me of my days working fast food lol
