MovieChat Forums > Papillon (1973) Discussion > A 1,000 times better than Shawshank Rede...

A 1,000 times better than Shawshank Redemption trash

Papillion is a classic. :)


papillion is a classic..... i would normally discount the opinion of any man who calls shawshank redemption trash



LOL. This is good. How this person can put these two together is beyond imagination. What a knucklehead.


...You might as well call "Papillion" "trash" because it ain't "Citizen Kane," "Casablanca,' or "Gone With the Wind!"

I personally rate Papillion as one of "the greats" AND it has a higher spot on my list than "Shawshank Redemption"--but, good grief, man, you don't need to slam an altogether different type of prison drama in some misguided effort to boost attention for a film you and I BOTH agree out-edges SR: "Papillion!"


you lost me when you called Shawshank "trash"


Why can't a heterosexual guy
Tell a heterosexual guy
That he thinks his booty is fly?


I prefer it to Shawshank, but enjoy both films.


shawshank trash huh? i dunno about that....

is papillon a is an old classic yes

but just as much as shawshank is considered on of the new classics...which is definitely is...

he'd roll over on his mommy, his daddy, his two panty granny and the *beep* king of siam


the storytelling in shawshank is much better..


to call a trash the number #1 movie of all time in the opinion of majority, only prove how narrow minded you are. nothing else.


Yeah, Shawshank isn't trash. Yet papillon is a classic :/ Hoffman and McQueen in Papillon are thousand times better than any other couple, you know what I mean!


I don't want to compare either, but to base your argument on the views of the majority, this is where I would want to take you to task. The majority's opinion counts for naught in my estimation.


"The majority's opinion counts for naught in my estimation. "

so, then why do you want to share your opinion with 'that' majority ?


Because the poster is not talking to the majority as a whole - he's talking to you. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love The Shawshank Redemption and currently think of it as my favorite movie. But the only argument that is a bigger copout in a debate than using the majority opinion to defend your stance is saying "I'm a film student so I know more than you". If you want to make an argument, then discuss the actual content of the film. Falling back on majority opinion is taking the easy way out - and a sign that people can't legitimately defend their stance.

Illusions Michael. Tricks are something a whore does for money.


Really? So if Papillon is 10/10, Shawshank Redmption is 0.01/10? Hmmmm

If the visuals are the first things to be praised about a film, it generally means it's a bad film.


"Comparing 2 artistic works is ludicrous. Other than box office returns, which these 2 films did not compete on, being 20 years apart... there is no grounds for any comparison at all. To call Shawshank "trash" is really a short-sighted blabber by someone looking to pile garbage on to an observation that doesnt need to be that way: that Papillon is a great film.

Newsflash: So is Shawshank.

no, they are not competing."

well said.


I wouldn't call Shawshank Redemption "trash," but like a lot of films based on King stories, it's filled with a lot of sentimental pap and far-fetched plot elements .

I also much prefer the grittier Papillon as far as prison films go.
